White Sport Cream Legbars

I think I have one as well? I am pretty sure this hatched from some CL eggs I was given and I think she laid her first light blue egg this week

So what might happen if I breed her against a CL roo?

in all liklihood, the white will vanish, because the theory is that it is recessive. Although not visible, it will be hidden as a recessive - and could appear in the future should two Cream Legbars that both carry recessive white pass only the white to their offspring. If you decide to try that breeding, be sure to post back your results it will help others. :O)
What color are the eggs laid by legbar white sports?

I don't have any whites, but I did try to hatch some shipped eggs from a mixed cream and white legbar flock earlier this year. None of them made it
but the eggs were the bluest I've seen. No tinge of green at all and they were huge! BUT they were also very very pale, some looked almost white.

Someone was saying earlier that the white mutation may have an adverse effect on hatchability. Has anyone else had experience in hatching offspring from white hens, white roosters or both? How were the rates?

Mahalo, Puhi
My white x white never produced a single viable chick. Most eggs never started, and those few that did quit before hatch.

My white x cream didn't fare much better, and this week I lost the only cream pullet I had that carried the recessive white gene to the cold. But I have a few cockerels carrying white that I can use.

I have another pair of white legbars growing out, but they are brother/sister so I don't want to breed them together. In the spring I'm going to put a cream roo carrying white on the white pullet and see if that gets me more white chicks.

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