Who all here gives away their eggs?

I give my eggs away to my neighbors and they give me , blackberries, fresh garden goodies (they know I love to can), their canned goods, fix a tire and mount it for me, baked goods, electrical work etc. etc. I love my neighbors!!
Usta have about 25-30 hens all the time, but no more. Justa few. When I had so many, I attended a small church. Took all my extras to church in baggies, about twice a month. Sometimes I included goose eggs, one in each baggie, as far as they went. Just a treat and a blessing for those I cared about. Never charged a dime, but made lots of smiles.......Pop
I give eggs to my neighbour who gives me sawdust for the coop bedding.
I sell approx 70 dozen a month ($3.50 per dozen) to pay for feed and the initial cost of the birds and coop building. In a year I might come out ahead
I have not sold any, although people have offered. I like to give them to family and firends, the postman, the guy that brings my wood for the stove, my son's teachers...just about anyone that I'm friends with or that I think might want some. I have given away hatching eggs as well - only sold some once. I feel more rewarded by giving them away than by the buck or two that I would get or a dozen in my area. I LOVE giving away my eggs to people who I feel will appreciate them!

I never used to eat eggs until I had my own. Store bought eggs would make me feel
the rest of the day. There is such a taste difference and my "home grown" eggs don't make me feel sick.

We use lots of eggs, but in the summer we do have extra, so I give those to family and friends.
I give mine away.. I can't find buyers. I advertise on CL and around town. No takers. But my freebie egg getters don't eat them fast enough. I have 10dz sitting on my kitchen table. Thinking about taking some to the church and making a bunch of cookies and cakes today. People will snatch that up quicker than anything!!

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