So I got some chicks about 7-8ish weeks ago from TSCs *Assorted Bantams*, pssh...Me: Buy 4 or something and get 2 free, HELLZ YEAH gimmie 4, plus these 2 free. Inner me: you're destroying their family TAKE THEM ALL. Sooooo needless to say I ended up with all of the Bantams they had left...16 on top of the 6 Silkies I ordered just days before. Oopsie! So to make a long story longer I am undoubtedly 100% complete unsure of what all I have in this mixed bag, aside from a few obvious breeds. A few Cochins, one of which is my favorite whom I decided is transgender because CLEARLY I named her Griselda...DUH total Chickens name am I right? Well she decided to become a rooster but jokes or her I'm still callin her Griselda! ANYWAYS...Frizzle Cocin, maybe a couple Easter Eggers, maybe a leghorn, Oooh and don't Forget Copperhead, I think she's a Barnevelder maybe (don't tell her I don't know what she is, she'll be a basket case and I don't want her to bite me anymore! #copperhead) But yeah....thats about all I got, if anyone has any input on what my babies may or may not be I would be very appreciative! View attachment 1383396 View attachment 1383398 View attachment 1383399 View attachment 1383400 View attachment 1383401 View attachment 1383402 View attachment 1383403 View attachment 1383404 View attachment 1383406 View attachment 1383408 View attachment 1383414

CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!! Like everybody else, I want Griselda! I have not yet become a victim of chicken math, but these pics aren't helping. Getting...weak...:th
I noticed a splash colored one (white with grey specks), does it also have a rosecomb? If so you might have a trio of rosecombs- a b;ue rooster and a blue and a splash hen
Let me go look and see who is gone, had a bad day yesterday. Unloading play sand for my babies when we noticed hawks overhead with something in hand.....2 of my effing babies! Had to lock everyone up after their first day in the yard!
Let me go look and see who is gone, had a bad day yesterday. Unloading play sand for my babies when we noticed hawks overhead with something in hand.....2 of my effing babies! Had to lock everyone up after their first day in the yard!
:hitI am so sorry your babies got hawk napped. I feel,your pain, I am usually out in the back acting like a giant crazy rooster because we have a red tail nest across the street. It’s a nightmare waiting to happen.
So yes the Hawks got what i think was a fleur duccle and a black silkie:hitSo I built a temporary pen which the goats made quick work of. So now I just go out everyday and sit for a couple hours until they are bigger and I can get something goatproof put up.

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