Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

Could you guys check out the post I wrote that says "Do any of my hens look close to laying PICS" beacause i need to find out what kind of breed the first hen is! Thanks
Just came back from watering and feeding the chickens and still no eggs it seems like I have been waiting forever!!!!
I'm still waiting!!! UGH! I got them Feb 28 and they were 1-4 days old. 3 RSL are red with waddles and everything, the 3 EEs are still pink.

I feed them a lot of table scraps, 2-4 cups a day split between whoever is fastest. Do I need to cut back on that? Also, how hot is too hot? It's about 85-90 here daily. What do you think?
I am still waiting for our first egg we have nearly worn out the hinges on the nest box lid checking for eggs that dont eggsist $#@$$? chickens:confused:
!!!!Got two sweet tiny brown eggs yesterday!!!! Then another substantially bigger one today! None of the eggs were layed in the nesting boxes. I have a golf ball in their to show them where! The chickens are about 20 weeks old. I wonder which of the 21 layed it???
Another day and still eggless, maybe we are not feeding them the right feed can you tell me what kind of feed to give them so they lay some eggs?::

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