Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

Anything yet chickenprincess 92 ? The squat was my "tell" and I didn't even know it because it came from my most underdeveloped hen of all -- and she's laid three eggs now. (I thought because she crouched she was afraid of me LOL == newbie!) The big girls who looked promising are slacking. Slacking and eating, I should say. It's a good life here.

Any minute now, I think, for you!
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One of them scratched some bedding out of the nest box and moved a golf ball! And the EE that NEVER lets me pick her up has allowed me to (although not happily) in the last few days. Could be getting close I think?
I was really excited yesterday with our hen doing the egg song and actually getting in the nest and I went down this morning and nothing:( So how much longer do you think it will be? I also read on one of the other sites that you should take egg shells wash them let them dry and grind them up and give them back to the chickens, So I am doing that and they really gobble them up. I just mix it in their feed. Well hopefully any day now I will have my first egg!!
. We got our first chickens the end of March and the second batch the end of May and the older ones are soooo mean to the younger batch can anyone tell me why?
OH MY GOSH I just came back from the coop and Sophie my hen laid her first egg I am so excited the long wait is finally over
. Now the other two should be right behind her and then the wait again for the second batch.
Someone is laying an egg! I don't know who though....I need to figure it out. Yay! Three little pullet eggs in four days!

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