Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

I think perhaps you did. If what you are referring to as lower combs is actually wattles, then it is a real possibility. It is so hard to tell a rooster from a hen, especially when they are very young. I have one that I am still not sure about, so "it" is still living with me. There is an education link at the top of BYC. If you go there, you can see a chicken anatomy chart.
My RIR are getting very VERY red and two of em have nice red combs and wattles with another developing pretty quickly in a close third. They are scruffling around in the nestboxes and making really loud 'annoyed' noises like BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK. And yesterday they actually were growling!

No other predator around except my cat and he was in the same position he's in every day (not anywhere near chickens). None of them appear to be squatting for me yet. But it's possible they think they are the dominant ones.

They are only 15 weeks so I don't THINK they will lay soon.. right?
They are only 15 weeks so I don't THINK they will lay soon.. right?

That would be quite early, but I did read somewhere that someone had a pullet that laid that early and they were quite surprised.​
OMG another lady just laid too! this is letterally 20 minutes after the first one. we have two layers on the same day! maybe we will get more and have a whole meal i am so excited i cried a little!!!! i cant post pics. urg!!
I wasn't sure whether to post it here or in a duck thread, but my dear husband let me sleep in bc of our hectic weekend and then he sent me this picture!!


Lovin' my dirty little duck egg! 18 weeks to the day! My little Penelope is so punctual!

I have to admit, I've found chicken eggs before but this was way more exciting lol. I jumped for joy a little.
We are patiently(yeah right) for our first eggs. Thought for sure it was yesterday. ONe hen was in the next almost all morning squaking and carrying on, but then nothing. I am hoping that means any day now.
Congrats on the duck egg! What kind of duck is it?

I have two pekin ducks that are about 18-20 week old and I've seen them being "sexualy active"
... but no egg yet. One of my chickens started laying and I think it's younger then the ducks.

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