Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

Boy, aren't we a funny bunch!!! Fact is none of our girls is going to lay ANY eggs until THEY'RE ready. No matter how much we wish and hope or whether we do or don't have the oyster shell out yet. I am as bad, or maybe worse, than the rest of this group. I go out and check so often during the day that I might as well set up a cot. My granddaughter, 8 and 10, are almost but not quite as bad as me when they're here. My closest friend who has chickens told me today after lunch to call or e mail her when I get the first egg. See? We're everywhere, we're everywhere!!!! And loving it too!
The wait feels eternal
We're going on roughly 21 weeks, maybe a week or two older, I know its early yet, but still
Our chickens are probably about 18 and 21 weeks old now, we think they were younger than the guy said who sold them to us. Yesterday one of the older ones came running out of the run doing what I think was "the egg song". This went on for about five minutes while she was going round the garden. I was so excited!!! I couldn't find an egg though. Is it right that they like to get some practice in first before the big event? Also, I hear people asking about them crouching? What does this mean? Some of them crouch down if you stroke them and also they sit crouched down in their run. Some advice would be greatly appreciated.
Lydia&Andrew :

Our chickens are probably about 18 and 21 weeks old now, we think they were younger than the guy said who sold them to us. Yesterday one of the older ones came running out of the run doing what I think was "the egg song". This went on for about five minutes while she was going round the garden. I was so excited!!! I couldn't find an egg though. Is it right that they like to get some practice in first before the big event? Also, I hear people asking about them crouching? What does this mean? Some of them crouch down if you stroke them and also they sit crouched down in their run. Some advice would be greatly appreciated.

The crouch you have been noticing is the squat.
My girls just started doing this. I think it is pretty cute!
It means you are getting very close!
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"We keep on waiting, (waiting), waiting on the world to change...We keep on waiting, (waiting), waiting on the world to change..."
This is the impossible wait. Like waiting for Christmas. Our BO, Esther, just laid her first egg Friday the 3rd. We took photos, thanked her, gave her treats, everything. Yesterday, Sunday, she was on the nest again, so I thought I would pet her for some encouragement or something. WRONG! She bit me that little stinker. However, we now have 3 eggs from her.

How do we get our two SLW's to start laying?

We brought our girls home a wk old in the beginning of April.
I got the one little egg yesterday and now several hens keep visiting the nest boxes, moving the golf balls around and singing a mini egg song. But no egg yet today. /sigh.

ETA: Another tiny egg today!
I'll put two together and try them tonight.
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Two of my hens jumped the fence. The two that are about to lay. The one who is very close to laying was pacing the gate after we put her back. I think that she was trying to find a hiding place for her egg. Ha ha wishful thinking.
One 6 month old Brahma girl and two 20/21 week old pullets. One is a Barred Rock who is getting very red in the face recently, the other is an Easter Egger who is still pale pink and not nearly as mature it seems. The Brahma is starting to get redder in the face, and now I wonder if she isn't closer to the EE and Barred Rocks age.. She is MUCH bigger, but face is still girly and pink.

I also have two Wyandottes who are 16 weeks old, but I figure another month or two for them.

Here is a picture of my BR Joon a week ago and then yesterday. Am I hallucinating or is she in fact getting "redder"? LoL!

Week Ago:


And the other night, and it was about 7pm when this picture was taken. Usually by evening they are paler, but not this time



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