Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

Add me to the list. One girl is looking very red in the comb and wattles and I got my first squat from her yesterday and today. I'll be checking for eggs now.

I just got my first egg 3 days ago
. She was 20 weeks old when she layed an egg then she skipped a day and layed another one so hopefully she will start laying every day now and let me tell you... I let the girls free range for 2-3 hours every evening and the quality of those small pullet eggs are so much better then the store bought eggs. The yolks were really dark orange and round instead of flat like the store bought ones. They tasted so much better too and the texture was far superior. I hope you all get some eggs real soon!
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Graduation day for me!!! Went out to check on my 23 week old BR girls at halftime of the Chiefs game. I looked in the window but couldn't see anything, so I opened the egg door and found this:


Small but nicely shaped. There are some streaks on the shell, maybe blood or something, but I would have left marks passing that thing too. Doing my happy fat guy dance. In the fridge until I get enough for a good breakfast.
My girls were hatched on April 19th------- Just got my 1st egg yesterday
Now if only the others from that bunch would get busy, I wouldn't have to buy eggs or squeeze chickens.
I'm still waiting on my 3-BC Marans, 1-buttercup, and 1-EE to start. They are almost 23 weeks. I thought I was going to get a marans egg today, one of the girls was in and out of the nest box all day, didn't happen.

I also have more in the bator, due to hatch Friday!
So I will be starting the wait all over!
Congrats to those who have gotten their eggs in the last few days!

I think I am officially graduated from this thread now- we got 5 eggs yesterday, so more of the hens are laying now! And the eggs are slowly getting larger. They sure taste good!

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