Who else loves their Orps? Orp lovers and Orps ONLY Thread. If you are going to hate on Orps, you aren't allowed.

I love the first picture, MysteryChicken. It looks like the two hens are bowing to the beauty of your King Roo!

Understandable, of course, as they are all beautiful and intelligent Orpingtons, the most sublime breed of chicken in the world.
Thanks, that's Dino. He's one of my project Wheaten Crele Orpingtons. The hen in the other picture is also.
Goober is Dino's son who's in the middle picture.
I've never liked the thought of bantam Orps.
Kinda defeats the whole puffy gentle giant thing.

Tiny, floofy, and round? What's not to love? have you seen Cookie, @Faraday40's adorable little Chocolate Orpington bantam? She's a broody monster and I love her!

Need pictures when you get them though.

He sent me some pictures of their parents, so I'll see if I can upload them here. I also have a friend with White Orpington bantams and I'm planning on getting some of those from him as well. And maybe some Jubilee LF and bantam also. I'm addicted, I know. I can't help myself. He has a bunch of other colors, but my friend just up the road got Isabel and Crele, so I don't see any point in duplicating his color efforts.

Since my Blue, Black Splash pen clearly carries Mottled, I decided to go ahead and bring in three Black Mottled split to lavender chicks. My hatch last wee was abysmal. Over half the eggs were clear due to age I think because they've slowed down and I wasn't dating them, just saving them to stuff in the incubator. I only ended up with five hatching out of twenty or so that made it to the hatching tray. I'm not sure what happened with that one. I've got another set due on Wednesday. Most of those are shipped cochin bantam eggs I'm hatching for a friend, but I snuck some of my Orpington eggs, plus a few of my own cochins in there.
Haven't been introduced to Cookie.

That would be excellent. I'm not really a bantam person. Not into ornamental breeds either.

But I'm always up for Orp photos. I'm sure they're very cute.
Here are the parents of the chicks. I'm just wanting a trio of them to start out. Especially since they aren't English.

Agreed. They are pretty cute. I'd rather have English, but I'll take them...lol

And according to the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection, the mature males should weigh 38 oz. and the hens should weigh 34 oz. That's a standard square hay bale and the dimensions on those are about 16” high x 22” wide x 44” long, or 40.64 cm high x 55.88 cm wide x 111.76 cm for those of you who get to see fluffy English Orpingtons in their natural habitat everyday. ;)
Haven't been introduced to Cookie.

That would be excellent. I'm not really a bantam person. Not into ornamental breeds either.

But I'm always up for Orp photos. I'm sure they're very cute.
Many people know my Cookie. She's got that nice round body - just in a small package. She's always been around large fowl, so she doesn't know she's small. She's one of my flock elders now, and she hatched most of my flock, so the big girls leave her alone. This summer she raised turkey poults.

Cookie my amazing broody. She has 20-24 chicks in this pic. Her record was 35. (We sell chicks, so Cookie joins them in the brooder until we're down to a manageable number.) She's hatched chickens, ducks, quail, and turkeys.

No Cookie! Don't try to hatch THAT!

Girls just want to have fun!
hot chicks in cars.jpg

Cookie debating her life choices

Proud mama guardian
IMG_3855 (2).JPG
I want an army of Cookie clones. She just makes me so happy. My big girls could barely handle four chicks. And you can forget them covering more than six eggs without breaking them.

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