Who else loves their Orps? Orp lovers and Orps ONLY Thread. If you are going to hate on Orps, you aren't allowed.

I want an army of Cookie clones. She just makes me so happy. My big girls could barely handle four chicks. And you can forget them covering more than six eggs without breaking them.
I don't think anyone could handle an army of Cookie clones. We'd be overrun with chicks in no time! Her normal egg clutch is about 7 large orp eggs. She's extra puffy when broody and has a large "spread".

I often set a bunch of eggs in the incubator to match Cookie's hatch date. Better for her to teach them how to eat, drink, and scratch. She's very obsessive about teaching her chicks to scratch. She will dump and spread food bowls as soon as they are placed in the brooder. Several times, I've seen a chick in the wrong place / wrong time who gets thrown across the brooder.

Cookie's getting pretty old but if broody, she still thinks that every peeping chick belongs to her. If she's raising more than 10 chicks, it's pretty easy to keep slipping more into the brooder. That's how I get some batches where the ages range from 5 days to 5 weeks old.

For her 1st 3 years, Cookie was our only bantam. We had a Star Wars name theme, so her nickname was "the bantam menace." She would dart through the other chickens to quickly grab all the best treats. Her other nickname is "Cookie Monster" when she's sitting on eggs. She doesn't peck hands but she does scream like a banshee.

I have a few big English orps who go broody once a year. They are good mothers but can accidently smoosh eggs/chicks. Best to let them sit on rocks and give them day old chicks from the incubator. It's difficult for a fat, clumsy, 10lb hen to be graceful.

I'd love another bantam orp someday. Most that I've seen are buff and not from English bloodlines.
Haven't been introduced to Cookie.

That would be excellent. I'm not really a bantam person. Not into ornamental breeds either.

But I'm always up for Orp photos. I'm sure they're very cute.
I had some bantam orps at one time. They were decent little birds but ya not that awesome English Orp build.
Also limited on varieties so I hate to say it but as for bantams Cochin get the win.
There was a time I'd have to retort back but now I have sidekicks to do it.

@The Meanshiner is going to convert.

Keep going. I'll just sit back and eat waffles or something.
Lol. I ain't skeered.
I'll convert your sidekicks. By the time you"re done with your waffles they'll be.....
Moonshiner Minions

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