Who is pipping and waiting right now??

Heather your babies are precious. I'm so happy you finally got to see one hatch. Try videoing and see how you sound. lol You better slow down or you will have to hire some builders like I need to do. Shoot go ahead if you are having fun. What the hay right? PEACE
It is now day 19 for our 18 mixed breeds. I am thinking that they may be a little slow since my temp has been running about a half of a degree cool for the last week. but my humidity has been holding great until this morning when it went a little low. Waiting would be worse if I didn't have a coop to finish and a new incubator to finish. Not to mention the 6 chicks from the last hatch in the brooder which needs to be cleaned... and the eight birds we bought on Saturday...
Another hen of mine hatched out a cochin chick on saturday. I took the chick out and gave it to the hen who hatched out my seramas and she killed it
. Guess im gonna have to build another brooder for the 2 other eggs that are due to hatch any day now. I feel soooo guilty for putting that chick in with the rest of the babies. I really thought that the hen would take it in with no problems. I am wondering if i shouldn't just take the hen out of the brooder and raise the chicks by myself that way i can add the other chicks that are gonna hatch in with the rest. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
One button quail is waiting impatiently for it's buddies to hatch! I found the little guy this morning! I have at least 2 more button eggs pipped, and one of my A&M Cortunix is pipped as well!!
I have 12 mixed breed eggs I put in the hatcher yesterday and 2 are already pipped! day 19. I havn't had them pip early before. Good luck to everyone.
Well, the second marans egg never hatched, so after I piped the air hole yesterday and never saw any movement through the day, I pulled the plug on the bator. I only got one Cucko marans out of the seven Tina sent me, but i need to get the hatcher sanitized and ready for the next bunch--only 9 more days until Siz8003's eggs go in the hatcher! A couple days after that hatch finishes, it'll be time for the quail, and then after that....

I think I'm addicted. I'm going to have to find people who want some fuzzy butts so I have an excuse to keep hatching all winter long. lol
Im sorry that you had such a poor hatch of Cuckoos! We can keep trying though!! I wish things would pick up around here! I would send more of em and faster! I cant always keep up with the demand for my free cuckoo marans eggs from just one layer, cause the rest are on strike! If people want just 4 eggs, thats still 4 days old plus shipping! Darn! Are the other two little ones doing okay?
Two chicks have hatched out and another zipping with more pips! YAY!!!
It's about time I had a good hatch since the last three flopped terribly. I have 10 blue barred rock eggs in there so will keep you posted as to how it's going.

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