Who is setting eggs today - 4/14?

Awesome work there with the candeling video. I think I need to use a brighter flashlight since I have mostly brown shelled eggs, and only a little LED light... Mine are looking good too though in spite of my inadequacies. Have 48 chicken eggs that are coming along nicely as well as 4 duck and 2 goose eggs. Now I just have to figure out what to do with the duck and goose eggs while I put the chicken eggs on lockdown...
What a cool video of your candling! Look at that chick moving around in there! So cute!

Against my better judgement, I bought a second LG yesterday for a hatcher. Everyone knows what happens when you get one incubator, let alone two. I still might change my mind and not open it! I've got until Wednesday morning to decide what to do with it. LOL
I'm not sure mine are going so well. I wasn't sure of the quality of the eggs when I bought them and I've never candled before - that probably explains it!

I had my first stinker explode on Friday. Who'd have thought it could smell so much!?! We had to take my sister to a scout camp just after and everyone seemed to think we were pretty stupid for being late because of a rotten egg. But... it had been in the incubator for nine days, and it exploded! Everywhere! Why did no-one seem to get that?

Oh well. I'm a little worried because, while I have a few eggs that when I candled them at eight days seemed to be developing like the pictures I'd seen, with a little dot and some veins (only about four or five out of 48, though), quite a few had larger dark patches. Is this good or bad? Does it mean they're rotten or what? I took out all the ones without air pockets at the end but even so that left about 35 which I have no idea what they're doing or look like or whether something is developing (air pockets, large dark patch). Any ideas for this first-time candler?

I'll candle again tonight or tomorrow (that'll be 13 or 14 days) and see what it looks like. My family's living in fear that another egg will explode!
If found a somewhat helpful video somewhere on youtube for candling eggs. It's hard to tell when you don't know what you're looking for, isn't it? Hopefully, someone on here will chime in as well.

I see you said your eggs will be 13-14 days. You should be able to see veining and even some movement if you look closely. Are they darker or colored eggs? Those can be so difficult and I usually just leave them be until the end. Although, if one of mine exploded it might make me more concerned about getting them out.

Good luck!
I just found this thread and thought I would join in since I started my 1st hatch ever on 4/13.

I've placed 10 eggs in lockdown and have seen 9 moving BUT apparently I incubated at way too high of humidity. I posted about it on the forum but I'll go ahead and ask my question here, too, since time is critical.

This is my 1st hatch. Following directions, I kept the hygrometer at 50-60%. After finding this forum, I have learned that can cause real issues.

Forum member phoenix 912 was kind enought to tell me about a thread called Update. The Great Debate: Is it the incubator or the egg?

In this thread they suggested that you try a dry lock down if your humidity has been too high during Days 1-18. So that is where I'm at right now. I removed the eggs from the egg turner (Day 18), have no added water and the hygrometer is reading 40%. I'm not sure how to get it to lower more. (I live in Arizona. The incubator is in my laundry room.)

Out of 10 eggs, we have seen 9 moving which is very exciting for us but what should I do now?

From what I've read, it looks like they could drown even though they made it to this point.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Does anyone here have any thoughts on the matter?
timbuck2mom - I think my first two (and only) hatches drowned from too high of humidity. This time I'm trying a dry hatch and will add some water when I lock down tomorrow. If it helps at all, I do think chicks are somewhat resilient. My last batch was almost swimming during hatch and yet still some hatched. My concern with a dry hatch would be that they'll shrink wrap, but I'm just guessing. There seem to be lots of different opinions on humidity.

Hopefully you'll get some more educated advice and answers.....
I Hope i don't mess things up right at the end.
I've never done this before I haven't been keeping a close eye on the humidity . do you start lock down 72 hours before they are due to hatch? I tghink I will candle one more time to see if there are any I can remove so there is more room in the incubator when they hatch,

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