Who is still awake?!?!! *eye twitch*

No cooking food or armies here~ My mom goes to pick up the food around noonish, and then she brings it home and we eat it! I actually think I have to cook something though...

Oh yeah! My vegetarian gravy! So I don't have to choke down dry mashed potatoes~

I wish I could sleep at all... but alas I cannot! I'm the only one awake in my house...except for my rooster... I hear him moving around... he's gonna start crowing for me to uncover him any minute now...

Your mom has to work today buck-wild-chick?

ETA: It's currently 31 degrees here.
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Yes only for 2 hrs. She is a vet tech but she wanted extra hours so they gave her today. But all we have to do is walk like 20 dogs..
and its really cold and she has been sick so thats why im going to help
That's very sweet of you to go and help your mother out! My mom would never do anything that required being outside for any period of time at all~ she already nearly freezes to death on her smoke-breaks!

I'd love to be a Vet Tech too BirdBoy! Alas it's not in the cards for me... stay in school kids!~
Yea plan on following in her footsteps but instead of working with the dogs and cats, I want to work with the large animal vet.!!

Yea but we still have to go down to the barn and feed horses there too !
Same here

and i had to stop pass the farm house and let the chickens ducks turkeys out and feed them and the rest of the animals.. nothing like being trampled in the cold by chickens
When I was younger i used to want to be an equine vet, but somewhere along the way I stumbled, and now I don't think I'm even qualified to work at a Petsmart!
Not knocking the people who work there though, as my sister does~

So yeah, make sure you stay on track; that field's very competitive!

Wah, I miss my horses...
It's been many a year since I've had any, we had two, and after we had to put my girl down, my mom said she couldn't take the heartache and sold the other one...

Brr! I don't envy you though, it's awfully cold out there this morning to be sloshing water and such~ High of 50 degrees today here...

ETA: I don't eat turkey~ Simply the veggies for this girl <3

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