Whos hatching on the 11th? 16th and 19th and 23rd????

I'm sorry to hear that

My broodies are having an issue of keeping their two pipped eggs from being stolen. I have a d'uccle that is determined to hatch them.
holy moly lil duckies! I just went downstairs to check on the duck eggs that I *thought* were due on the 17th. Out of 7 one is pipped externally and 3 are pipped interally. Glad I checked today! Filled up the water compartments and locked it down.

Are ducks generally quieter than chicks? I can see the movement in the eggs but there is no peeping - even from the one that is externally pipped.
I have one pheasant zipping, and one guinea hatched. The guinea is very early, they weren't due till Monday!! The pheasant was due 2 days ago, and has been pipped since yesterday sometime. I have another pheasant egg that is doing nothing
and 6 more guinea eggs that are just sitting there. One of them was pipped internally last night when I moved them, and then the one that is hatched was pipped. I still have the bobwhites to go into the hatcher, and my 2 goose eggs!! They are all looking good, let's hope they stay that way!!
What is up with the early hatching. Mine aren't due to hatch until tomorow and started yesterday!!!
So far 9 have hatched of the 25 and 1 has pipped this evening, I hope the rest hatch. The 9 are all doing great so we'll see....
I have 4 now in brooder, one drying in bator and one pocking through. Very hard not to help her but i won't. 4 eggs nothing yet.

I seriously think the wait is torture!! barnie
See my blog for pictures, my computer won't let me post pictures here, i need to figure it out.

Your babies are so cute, congrats!!!
I have Partridge Chanteclers and Welsumers (total of 29) in the incubator. Tomorrow (June 19th) will be the 21st day, but they started to hatch this morning. Three started poking by 9 AM and hatched during the day. At around 8 PM I noticed a 4th has started to pip. All Chanteclers so far.

Here is a picture of the first out. (I still haven't cleaned him off). In the morning, I will start transferring dry chicks out of the incubator.

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I had 2 early Blue Ameraucanas hatch yesterday...a light blue and a black. Wasn't ready for them at all, had to hurry and set up a brooder lol. I am hoping lots of the chicks hatch this weekend. The turkey, quail and pheasants might take til the beginning of next week though.

Congrats on everyones new chickies and good luck to the ones that haven't hatched yet!!!
Hey everyone! Guess what? On the 12th, 13th, and 14th, 3 chicks hatched under our broody hen!
We lost 1 during the hatch, 1 during development, and 1 egg got crushed during development. So overall we had 6 fertile eggs and 3 made it, so that's a 50% hatch rate. We named the chicks Peanut, Juno, and Suzy. Hoping they are all girls, because if they aren't, we are going to have to sell the boys; we don't want anymore roosters!

Here are some pics of the chicks:(didn't get a pic of Suzy yet)

Proud momma hen and chicks:

Juno and Peanut:(right after Juno hatched)

Peanut, the first to hatch and dry off:

Here's one of the eggs that pipped:


I will get new update pics this weekend. Right now, momma hen is out of the nest and showing her new family around the coop.
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