Who's up for a road trip to see my coop?


Bama Biddy
13 Years
Mar 31, 2010
Tuscaloosa County, Alabama
I posted pics (lot of pics) of my coop and run on our sister site "The Easy Garden." Here is the link - http://www.theeasygarden.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=32411&p=4
If you get a chance to check it out I would appreciate any feedback you may have. I am always looking to make improvements and already have a long list of things I want to do to upgrade what I already have. I would post all of it here but downloads take FOREVER on dial-up. Besides, who of us wouldn't be up for a road trip to see a friend's coop? It's not far, just a click away.....
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Thank you, Moogie. I have always been one of those "I can do anything I want to do" kind of people and I really wanted to do it myself. My DH offered to help several times, and except for help with holding boards while I attached the ends, I declined. I really wanted to say I did it and I didn't want him (or anyone) suggesting ways to do it that were not according to my plan! I had a blast! I would do it again in a heartbeat, wait, I think I will! I plan to add an open top run to the end so that if there is a stray dog or coyotes in the area I can keep them up for awhile.
Thank you, Ojoe.
Good to know someone who is close by. I have BSL, EE, SLW, BO, and Campines (all hatchery birds.) What do you have and how long have you been in chickens?
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been around chickens all my life (57 yrs) was living in city for a while but last 12 yrs living on my 60 acres. i have only 10 girls in a 4x8 coop. the coop is in a covered 24x24 run. i have 4 black sex links, 2white leghorns, 2 amber links and 2 austrolops. good luck joe

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