Why am I not getting as many eggs as I should be?


Mar 7, 2017
Pinson, TN
I have a flock of 27 hens and 1 rooster. They are all old enough to lay but I get on average 9 eggs a day. I know it is winter time and they lay less often in the winter but I keep a light on until about 8pm every night. I am trying to start selling the eggs but production is slow. I found evidence of an egg that had been busted and eaten but only once. So I’m wondering if I maybe have an egg eater or am I doing something wrong diet wise or what. Oh also there has been some feather loss that I believe is from feather picking because I have treated for mites with DE nd see no signs of infestation on the flock. I feed them a layer feed and they get the parts of vegetables that are leftover from meal preps plus I buy them veggies as treats also. There is never feed left. Any input will be greatly appreciated
I think we need a bit more info on their housing space to help with the picking fix. How big is the coop and run in feet by feet?

As to treating mites or lice with DE.... It has been found not to be effective in treating those.

For mite and lice treatment permethrin is recommended with a second treatment one week later. Both birds and coop require treatment.
This is what I used.

How old are your birds?

We are just now past winter solstice. Egg production should be starting back up soon.
I think we need a bit more info on their housing space to help with the picking fix. How big is the coop and run in feet by feet?

As to treating mites or lice with DE.... It has been found not to be effective in treating those.

For mite and lice treatment permethrin is recommended with a second treatment one week later. Both birds and coop require treatment.
This is what I used.

How old are your birds?

We are just now past winter solstice. Egg production should be starting back up soon.
My coop is 8’x16’ run is 16’x32’ and they free range for a few hours at least 3 days a week normally.
I research and completely cleared the floor of the coop and nesting boxes, cleaned all surfaces, dusted generously then added straw and dusted on top of the straw. I redistribute weekly and add extra to the areas they take dust baths in.
What breeds are picking?

Your coop and run are good sized for the number of birds you have.

I wonder if it's a breed thing if they are feather pulling.....
There is never feed left.

This is the only part of your post that concerns me. Perhaps that is part of the reason for the lack of egg production, but the lack of daylight this time of year and what sounds like normal molting also plays a part. I'm a firm believer that chickens should have feed and water available 24/7 even though they don't eat or drink after dark/going to roost
I have a flock of 27 hens and 1 rooster. They are all old enough to lay but I get on average 9 eggs a day. I know it is winter time and they lay less often in the winter but I keep a light on until about 8pm every night. I am trying to start selling the eggs but production is slow. I found evidence of an egg that had been busted and eaten but only once. So I’m wondering if I maybe have an egg eater or am I doing something wrong diet wise or what. Oh also there has been some feather loss that I believe is from feather picking because I have treated for mites with DE nd see no signs of infestation on the flock. I feed them a layer feed and they get the parts of vegetables that are leftover from meal preps plus I buy them veggies as treats also. There is never feed left. Any input will be greatly appreciated
What's the protein level of your feed. There should be feed left at the end of the day. No feed left might mean they aren't getting enough. Are you checking crops before bed?

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