Why did they do that on Survivor!

Not likely as it only takes 7 weeks to film an entire season!

Maybe they thought you needed the rooster for eggs.


LOL..ooh well..it was an idea..
I dont watch the show..
I heard that if hens don't have layer feed, or layer mash so the person said they don't lay eggs if they don't have a rooster. The person I heard it from visited Mexico for a couple of months, he said if the hens don't have a rooster they didn't lay eggs and that the layer mash here in the states are the only reason our hens lay eggs without a rooster. Can anyone tell me otherwise?
I was thinking the same thing last night while watching! I am so glad there is a place to complain about this! My poor DH thought I was nuts as I was calling the team idiots!
a guy i had working on my house recently was under the same impression.

he asked me if we had any roosters. i said no. he followed that up with some comment about thank goodness "they" make that layer food then. i didn't even know what to say to that so i just agreed.

people. this is ridiculous. there is nothing magic in their feed. read the labels. it's possible that the confusion comes from hens that don't get a balanced enough diet to lay eggs. i don't really know.
Half the people I work with were under the assumption that you need a rooster. I kept talking about how many eggs I was getting, and they were like "How many roosters do you have?" ..... "None...." and then I explained. I also have eggs in the hatcher... had to explain that they stay fertile for 2-3 weeks and they were with roosters when I bought them. The I requested tomatoes if anyone gardened and had extras... and they were like "Chickens will eat those? ..... "Yeah... and mine also get spinach, strawberries.... everything but potatoes basically".

My co workers know so much about chickens now. LOL
Maybe that was the only one they could catch? Actually...idk....wasn't watching it...just taking a wild guess
Being silly...sorry...just had to though
I was thinking the same thing. But in my case it would be the roo that was easier to catch, he runs from no one or anything. As a matter of fact, he'll walk right up to me and try to pick a fight, beggin to be eaten.....
One more reason I don't watch network TV. They ate the hen? Seriously? Must have been a pretty small meal.
Thank you for this thread! My husband and I couldn't believe it when he grabbed a hen and NOBODY said anything. By how quickly it was done, and because of the lack of discussion that took place about it, my guess is that they were completely clueless that it was a hen or which was the rooster. Normally they discuss everything but not a single person questioned which chicken to eat. I bet they all get teased big time over it when the show is over.

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