Why does my turkey keep growing wings? **PICS ADDED**

thats pretty weird looking, poor guy
So, two Bourbons and one Royal Palm? Just curious if this is a genetic thing. Any offspring, relatives around?
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I just have one Bourbon Red like it. I haven't bred him, he's this year's hatch. I think the other poster was trying to show the beards on theirs?
I was wondering about a twin, but the fourth wing is a recent addition.
I don't really know what he's meant for
Originally breeding or eating, but I don't think I can do either with him. I think he'll just stick around for curiousity's sake.
Wow, that is really strange...!
Better to keep him away from breeding. I had a rooster that had some genetic defect (legs were unbalanced and placed too far back on his body). We kept him just as a pet and he became a lap rooster. Until he was killed by the neighbor's dog this summer, RIP.
I would take this bird to the vet.

1. The wings look like they are bare in some places and bloody, this cannot be healthy for him or your other birds.
2. That's just abnormal.


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