Why is it so hard to talk to my teacher? *New plan*


I think you hit the nail on the head in your last post. It sounds like your teacher is quite young, and this is her first baby. It's a whole new situation for her, as well as you, and it's quite possible that she feels nervous, too. And if you're as sensitive as you appear in your posts, it's quite likely that you would pick up on that, and reflect it in your own behavior.

I, too, was the shy kid in school, and I was also lucky enough to have a couple of teachers who encouraged me to come out of my shell. I agree that it's great that you have such a good rapport with your teacher.

Try not to worry too much about appearing to be a "dork". Some of us still are (my teenage daughters call me one all the time - I like to think of it as a term of affection), but it works for us, in a weird way.

Take care, and keep up the good work at school!

I think so, too. I feel almost positive I've just stumbled upon the explanation for a lot of things. It also seems posible that I am, indeed, picking up on her nerves. However, if I am, then I do want to know one ting- why am I nervous almost all the time around her, but she only appears to be nervous sometimes? Could it be that she is nervous most of the time, and sometimes just doesn't make awkward comments? Like, maybe she's often nervous, but she doesn't always clearly express it, so that sometimes I pick up on nerves I do not even know are there?
Is this possibly your teachers first year of teaching? This, along with her pregnancy could be making her extreemly nervous, I know I'd be a basket case.
I think the reason you are so nervous around her is because you like her so much and you're afraid she won't like you back. You seem to have a nice personality, let it show. I know you and Ashley together can get up the nerve to have a talk with her.
This is her fourth year of teaching.

That is highly possible. I do like her a lot, and I am a little afraid of what she thinks of me. I would very much enjoy that talk. I'm just trying to figure out how to get to it. What on earth could I tell my mother we were going for?
Thursday, I sent the following e-mail to a school administrator:
Hello, Mrs. H. I've been sititng home sick with the flu. As I was sitting here, I had an idea. It might be a little far-fetched, but I am really hoping I can get it approved. I was hoping you could help me with that. Here's my idea: I think we should throw a surprise baby shower for Mrs. W. I'm thinking that either the freshman class can decorate, plan, and attend (since she is one of our sponsors) or everybody can help out and come. I'm not sure which would be more convenient. Maybe the auditorium would be a good place since it holds so many people? These are just suggestions, but I'd love to make the whole thing a reality. I think it would be kind of fun. My mom says that right before Christmas break might be a good time to do it. I was also thinking perhaps SGA and maybe Mrs. T (since she's also a freshman sponsor) could help plan/decorate, ect.

Friday, I received this reply:
GREAT IDEA. We’ll talk more about it when you are able to come back to school. GET WELL SOON!

Mrs. H

Well, what do you guys think? Is it a good idea? Am I even old enough to help plan this?
Of course you are! It sounds like it will be fun, and planning and organizing a party is good experience. Be sure to ask for help from your mom and your teachers who have probably all done this before
you mentioned something about a baby shower, and I just wanted to mention that last year one of my teachers was pregnant, so the class each contributed a couple of dollars, and we got her a gift (a blankie, onesies, and an outfit) and a cake, and surprised her. you could try organizing something like that with the other students and perhaps another teacher in the same department if the principal doesn't want to do something as big as you suggested.
Great post. I am almost positive that a school board cannot discriminate againest hiring someone just because they are pregnant. It's a condition, not a disease. We had a situtation like that once in the school dist. where I use to work, and the sec. didn't tell them she was pregnant when they hired her, and one of the board members tried to make a big deal out of it. One of the other members told him to pipe down, that a lot of people have a bun in their oven and don't tell until its obvious, and in no way does it affect their job performance for any length of time.

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