April and Andy

May 13, 2020
Hi All,
So- in my state there are a few pretty harsh wildfires going on. Not near enough to me that we are in imminent danger or needing to evacuate, but the smoke is terrible. The smoke is supposed to last today, through the night, and fade tomorrow. Usually, throughout the day my ducks would have free reign throughout my yard and multiple pools, but with this smoke they have been moved to their 3x4 wooden hutch which was then moved inside my house so they have clean air. The smoke is getting pretty bad today, but I feel horrible about leaving them in their hutch without a pool or space to run around. What does everyone think? Will they be okay for a day/night (plus last night) in there?
Two ducks only, they have a big water bowl big enough for that, but I can put in another. No garage but was thinking about perhaps putting them in the guest bathroom this evening so they don’t go a day without a large water source.
How many ducks you talking about? 3x4 FT I would be guessing isn't all that big. They need water, enough to submerge their whole heads at least. They can go a day or so without a pool, but need enough water to flush their beaks out with.

Do you have a garage you could use for the extra room?
Two ducks only, they have a big water bowl big enough for that, but I can put in another. No garage but was thinking about perhaps putting them in the guest bathroom this evening so they don’t go a day without a large water source.
I think they would do just fine that way until the smoke clears. :)

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