Will this keep out Raccoons?

Dirty Farmer

8 Years
Jun 2, 2011
I moved my hen house and run indoors, for the winter months. They still get let out, to go outside and free range on nice days. I currently always keep them locked in the coop at night. But I would like to keep the pop door open to their run all the time, so they can go in it when ever they want. That way they can have a little more room to roam, while in the barn for the winter. I did only have chicken wire on the run, so I only let the chickens in there during the day, when I collected the eggs in the morning, then lock them back up, in their coop at night. (chicken wire keeps chicken in, not predators out) Today I added heavy 2x4" welded wire fencing to the run. Will this setup keep out any Raccoons, that try to breach the chicken run, and harm or kill my hens?

You might be asking your self....how can a Raccoon get the chickens if they are inside a building already? Well, we have barn cats here, that have a small access door to get inside the barn for shelter from the weather and to clear the building if any rodents if they ever make a presence. If the barn cats can get in, a Raccoon can and will (they have before, and they will again) I end up getting a Raccoon or two a year here on our farmstead.

You can critique the run/fencing, good or bad, I can take it. Just looking for advise to keep my girls as safe as possible.
Would you consider this Raccoon proof?


If I were you, I would use the smaller squared hardware wire for the run. (I think they make 1/2".) Then, I would fasten a board to the run under the coop where there is a gap. Then I would use some sort of hinge or latch system (sturdy ones) to attach the run to the coop. You could make it removable but make it so those darn raccoons don't pull the run away from the coop.
(good eye) I took the picture before I was finished mounting the run to the coop. The gap that you see in the picture in not there when the run is fastened to the coop. I have brackets that lock the run to the coop.
(good eye) I took the picture before I was finished mounting the run to the coop. The gap that you see in the picture in not there when the run is fastened to the coop. I have brackets that lock the run to the coop.

Thanks! Good luck getting your coop raccoon proof!
I would also attach your wire with more than lightweight staples, which can be pulled out. We use screws and washers to attach heavy gauge 1/2" hardware cloth. Some people use a board and screw through that. Staples can be handy to tack wire down, but screws are better for keeping the wire from being pulled off.
I would add that putting a small electric fence around the area in which the chickens reside (either outside the barn or pen) is the only thing I have seen deter them. It only takes two wires spaced about 6 inches above the ground and then another 4 inches above it. Good luck!

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