WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze' ₪UpDaTeD₪

Really? I think mornings are beautiful!

Yeah, me too, still sad, though.

Mornings are full of hope

The sun is rising, the sky is blue... well, it wasn't blue today, but you get the gist
ray's two cents :

( No! That'll cause us to revert to fighting. No, we need something that cannot be stopped, but only coped with.)

Tanleaf knew that, she would always be able to find that she needed, but she took the nuts anyway, stuffing them into her wing. "And what about you? You can't fly!"

(Oh okay, Yeah, you can probably see I don't have much RPing experience

"I know, last time I rode it out in a flat, open area... Had me bruised as I was thrown around a bit, but at least that way nothing can fall on top of you." The ground was really getting the jitters by now, and rocks broke loose from their holds in the soft earth.​

( Yeah, it's okay! )

"But there is forest all around!" She clucked, not wanting to leave her newfound friend.
(Oh okay, Yeah, you can probably see I don't have much RPing experience

"I know, last time I rode it out in a flat, open area... Had me bruised as I was thrown around a bit, but at least that way nothing can fall on top of you." The ground was really getting the jitters by now, and rocks broke loose from their holds in the soft earth.

( Yeah, it's okay! )

"But there is forest all around!" She clucked, not wanting to leave her newfound friend.

Fort looked around, and saw that indeed, the "clearing" she was standing in was only about ten feet in diameter. She smiled sadly. "I guess this is the best I can hope for. Running for the open won't do me any good now." The rumbling was so intense she could barely be heard. "Go, it is better one of us is safe, than none."
Oh, Spaz, must you disagree? You're making it hard on poor Zinnia.

But the Blue polish is so kingly!

He is.
I'll use him.

Crud, I'm gonna get booted off by my sister...
ray's two cents :

( Yeah, it's okay! )

"But there is forest all around!" She clucked, not wanting to leave her newfound friend.

Fort looked around, and saw that indeed, the "clearing" she was standing in was only about ten feet in diameter. She smiled sadly. "I guess this is the best I can hope for. Running for the open won't do me any good now." The rumbling was so intense she could barely be heard. "Go, it is better one of us is safe, than none."​

Tanleaf paused for a moment and stood still.
But the Blue polish is so kingly!

He is.
I'll use him.

Crud, I'm gonna get booted off by my sister...

A decision!

Oh, bye!

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