Winter coop pics

common coop

13 Years
Jun 26, 2007
Hey -- anyone got some snowy hens out there? I took these pics after a snowstorm - and then the sun came out -- hens were happy.


This is Olaf and his harem of hens.


This is their new portico -- which I added just before winter set in hard. The tarps are blocking the west and north wind - leaving an open sunny exposure -- for winter tanning.


This is the view from the house -- sun setting over the coop.


This is the view from their yard -- the Town Hall

I'm loving your coop. Think it's the most "pleasing" one I've seen yet. I like the thoughtfulness of your design, including the covered sheds for your snow. Great job!

And, I agree: your flock is a pretty mix of birds.

Thanks for sharing:)
Gorgeous set up and beautiful birds. They do look very happy and healthy. Thanks for sharing your pics. Are those christmas lights on the coop. I thought I was the only one that did that?
Oh Mahonri, that's just MEAN!!!! Lol...I was so excited that we had a couple days near 50 in late it's back in the 30's and spittin' snow!

Common.....nice coop and beautiful flock!
Hey -- I'm liking that poultry pool you got there -- but where are the Christmas lights?? Wouldn't be Christmas without lights... even the plug in pink flamingos would work.

We're getting another 12" of snow today!!!!

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