Winter is coming...What is left on your to-do list?



Small goats & big chickens + 1 old horse
Aug 20, 2019
SE Louisiana
Although our winters are generally mild, I still have to do a little prep.
I have to reroof one of the smaller coops. I have a fraying tarp on it now (I know, I was being lazy) I noticed all the tiedowns are swinging freely in the breeze so it's past time. I usually use corrugated wood strips under tin roof panels attached with roofing nails. I think I am going to step into the modern era and use fiberglass panels and some kind of adhesive. I couldn't find the corrugated strips anywhere and had to get the local hardware to order them.
I also need to take down the poultry netting, clear off all the leaves and sticks, then put it all back up. I need to find some taller helpers...this job is a major PITA.
I will accept any advice on the poultry netting job!
I replaced all our netting over the runs with larger mesh netting because the sticks were so bad. Even leaves didn’t go thru it. Here‘s the new stuff. It definitely took 2 people to stretch it over that wide expanse. IMG_5341.jpeg
I have a new flock of bantams in our extra coop, so had to set up electricity and get them a heated waterer of their own. I had a storm window to install, and that’s about it for winterizing.
Oh dear.....lets see....

Hang the plastic wind break on the north side of the run
Move the chicks into the bump out brooder area for integration (it has its own run)
Get the heated water set up in the chicks run
Reset the nests in the 8x8 since I plan to give everyone access after moving the chicks.
Blow the leaves off the run roof
Try and rake more up to add to the run

Yup that should do it.
I replaced all our netting over the runs with larger mesh netting because the sticks were so bad. Even leaves didn’t go thru it. Here‘s the new stuff. It definitely took 2 people to stretch it over that wide expanse. View attachment 3676924
I have a new flock of bantams in our extra coop, so had to set up electricity and get them a heated waterer of their own. I had a storm window to install, and that’s about it for winterizing.
What size openings? 4"?
Not sure I 100% understand using adhesive here.

Are you skipping the self sealing screws?

These are what I am thinking of.
I have used those screws in the past, they are great. My local hardware guy suggested this:

to attach the corrugated sheets to this:

Which is already tacked on the coop top.
It's a small extra coop so I can test it out.
If it starts toseparate, I can add screws later.

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