Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I have been adding in black oil sunflower seeds to add extra protein and fat. The ladies love it and are eating it up.

JVLS: I got my seramas from the ladies in winter... They are... Unique People... I took my 7 year old with me on a visit and walked into their house and was frustrated that they smoked and had almost 300 chicks hatched in their basement. It wasn't cruel or anything, just odd. All the chickens lived together in yard and they bought most of their eggs from other breeders and hatched them out, whatever they didn't sell went into the coop and they sold them off as well.

A little odd process, but they were not pleasant people to talk with.

I do not know them, but I do know of them. a friend of mine was at their place also .. same story as you.. not the most pleasant pair of women.. He was P O"d because he called ahead and they said they had what he wanted, and then when he drove the 200 mile trip, it was not so..

Is that the place advertised on CL all the time? Edge something or other? If so I don't think they know their you know what from a hole in the ground !!! LOL
X2 Oh and if I'm not mistaken I think the ivermectin pour on is 1/4 cc for a bantam?? I really don't measure any more, haven't lost any birds to it but I'm sure I haven't ever put on 5cc's. I don't like using the Point ie .5 etc. I like to spell it out Quarter of a cc, Half a cc etc.
Lots of people have been overdosed for similar mistakes. She shouldn't feel bad, things like that happen to the best of us.

Well,,,I wasnt going to bring this up but I will. This summer I was babysitting for my son and daughter in law's cats and dogs. One of the cats needs insulin shot 2X a day. I had a massive toothache and had no medicine for it. I am saying excruciating pain. My dentist wont give meany pills.
Had to wait a month for the dentis to pull.t. So,,, I took 1/4 of one of my dog's pain pills. I figure the dog is a lot smaller than me right? Big mistake, totally knocked me out.

I got up the next morning at 6 am and gave Carl his shot of insulin. I was supposed to give him 3 1/2 units and instead I gave him 35 units. I just read it wrong. He almost died.
Luckily he lived and after a couple months the kids started to talk to me again.

OK I am gonna shut up now.
I think I got type ~ itis

I know the feeling !!!!
O Crap I was gonna delete that!
But you qouted me FT. Watched Revenge last Wed. Pretty good but didnt really know what was going on. Thank goodness for reruns.

Hey Bigz
... only test for cooked to perfection.....

Now my dog wants me to get off the computer.

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Revenge is my new favorite show.

I'm finally finishing up the addition on my coop. All I need is a couple of nest boxes and some exterior trim. I also put a 8 x 6 cage next to the coop in front of the pop door that I'm going to cover in greenhouse film this winter. That can be their place for outdoor time this winter. I want to insulate the back part (the addition) on the coop. But my husband won't let me, he says it's a waste because of the way I have it ventilated.
Yeah, it is hard to follow if you don't listen closely too !! Can't hear so I tell DH Do not talk to me between 9 and 10PM please !!! Not like he talks that much anyway, we have our own TV rooms anyway !!! Kinda hard to hear my TV when his is on a different channel, and even when it is on the same one they are off by a few seconds so it sounds like an echo !!!

I watched Revenge online one time but you aways can't get it to come up. I also wanted to watch Two and a Half men online but it said it was expired ????? I'd rather watch Dancing with the stars on Monday but would like to watch Two also !!! Boy what problems hey???

Hey doesn anyone want to play the "Keep a word, Drop a word" here on cheese heads? It' simple, I would start out typing two words at the end of my post. The next person to post on cheeseheads would drop one of my words and add there own word.

Frenchtoast wrote: Backyard Chicken
Tiki244 wrote: Backyard Picnic
WCC wrote: Picnic Table

and so on. Of course we would only ad the words to the bottom of our posts so we wouldn't be just posting to play the game?
Whatcha all think, Bigzio?

Ok, so I'll start with : French Toast
Wow, that is nice. Did you do that yourself or is it a prebuilt? Either way it is ver nice.
We just brought home a new old shed we got for $25. Needs some work but it has electric in it. Needs a door, floor and repair to the walls. Think we might use it for the peacocks for the winter.
We built the first part last fall and the back part this fall. My husband used to be a framer so it took him just a couple of days to complete them. $25 sounds good though. I've probsbly got about $1300 into mine. I wonder why my husband hates the chickens lol! You could land a helicopter on the floor of the front part though. I made sure that it was built to last. The back was built in ways that I did not approve of, but he did all the work so I can't complain.
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BBP- your coop is very cute! Cant wait to get a bigger one. Do you figure a year and half/2 years is old enough to retire the first and move on to the second one... maybe not in DH eyes... he is not as in love as the rest of us are!

Well Carol saved me again... In our crazy busy day today we fit in a trip over to the farm to see all the new chickens( loving all those frizzles) and the new set up and borrow some fertile eggs for "Eggie" our broody. We will see what she does with them. Otherwise I helped the kids downscale the mess the in their rooms, picked up some hay from a friend who once she was us grabbing our hay, told us to come and hang out for a while. My son then was plowed over by their 100 lb 5 month old mastiff mix puppy... more scared than anything else, but when those real sobs come, it is scary!
Made beef stew dinner in the crock pot with some home made rolls and took a hot bath already!
Now 2 Halloween parties tomorrow and friends coming over for dinner- home made pizza is in order. So easy with the kids!
Have a great weekend.
your the only one who noticed, any way I only have the roo's at the moment but as soon as they start laying well I'll be hatching, I've also so ended up with a new color of booted, just showed up in my show line, Buttercreame, a straw colored mottled, very beautiful
I noticed. I posted a reply to your previous post about your roos.

Buck Creek Chickens wrote:
Anyone need a Lav Orpington Rooster, my second batch of babies gave me 4, I'm keeping 2, so 2 need a good home or thy are going in the freezer

You wouldn't by any chance have a hen to go with, would you? Pretty please????? I'd pay you, of course.
How are the roos temperaments? I imagine if you're looking for a good home that they are nice boys? Maybe?

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