Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

TerriO- come spring I might be hitting you and anyone else who cares to share up for eggs... hoping to get the cheapo farm and fleet incubator for Xmas then can hatch like crazy... not sure my broody is getting the whole broody thing so that is why I want to start small, plus we are not going to expand coop until spring so will have limited space... ok so what possibilities could these eggs be? I love this! Thanks for the eggers
Hey Kris...just saw this--I have a few mins before I have to leave so...the white on is from a Blue Andalusian from H&R. THe terra cotta is a Welsummer and the pinkish one could be a turken or a red hen from my flock as far as I know...) The roos that are in that pen are Wheaton Marans, blue Andalusian, Buckeye, Welsummer and a little blue bantam. The Budk isnt breeding yet I dont think...who knows what you've got but I am sure they are fertile!
t will be interesting to see what hatches! Terri O
Hi everyone!!!

If anyone knows Lund Poultry, please let them know that their email must have been hacked because I got the email below from them. They should probably change the password or something.

Also, I am drooling over their Nankin...BEAUTIFUL (I was looking at their website). Do any of you have some Nankins? are they ok layers?

From: Lund Poultry [mailto:p[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 5:34 AM
Subject: Vacation Crisis!!!

I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,my family and I came down here to Madrid,Spain for a short vacation unfortunately we were mugged at the park of the hotel where we stayed,all cash,credit card and cell were stolen off us but luckily for us we still have our passports with us.

We've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and our flight leaves in less than few hours from now but we're having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills,i'm freaked out at the moment.
~Lund Poultry~
Brooklyn, Wisconsin
Thanks for the input, Angiebubs. It sounds like your conversion is well thought out. The barn, set up for milking with old style stanchions, is good weather-wise, insulated. I don't have stalls made of wood. The barn does have the stanchion separators that perhaps could be incorporated as roosts (will have to read on max diameter) but will need construction materials. I will be using recycled wood for framing and chicken wire. I think the big cost will end up being the wood, or whatever else will work affordably, that will be used as the solid side- bottom portion, and the doors. I've been watching craigslist....crossing my fingers that something will show up. Any thought on repurposed materials for this other than wood? Anyone tried using corrugated, and if so, any negatives?

I've made my first chicken mistake. Quarantine only 2 weeks.

Still snowing here.
good morning, I typed up a post last night and it went POOF !!!

congrats gramma-again Deb..

our gramma and grampa days are over.. the youngest grandson is 20.. we have one great, he is 4 .. we don't see much of him..

Not having tiny ones around sort of puts a krimp in Christmas..

I can't think of anything to say.. that is funny because the post that went POOF was a long one..

whatever you do, your first consideration should be ease of cleaning out the coop.. You don't want a lot of obstructions to shovel around,, and you want the door wide enough to push a wheelbarrow through without hitting your hands on the jambs..

better yet, have the door wide enough to get a tractor bucket through..

suspend all your nests , feeders, waterers, roosts, etc from the walls or ceiling..

make your roosts removeable.. or at least make the one closest to the wall the lowest one and the next one from the wall the next higher one ,, etc..


edit: these are just my opinions of what I would like in a coop.. there are others who have better ideas, I'm sure.. just because I am the only one who replied, doesn't make my ideas the only or correct ones..
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whatever you do, your first consideration should be ease of cleaning out the coop.. You don't want a lot of obstructions to shovel around,, and you want the door wide enough to push a wheelbarrow through without hitting your hands on the jambs..

better yet, have the door wide enough to get a tractor bucket through..

suspend all your nests , feeders, waterers, roosts, etc from the walls or ceiling..

make your roosts removeable.. or at least make the one closest to the wall the lowest one and the next one from the wall the next higher one ,, etc..


Hey--listen to that guy....I built one of my coops 20 years ago and cant get a wheelbarrow into it...guess how many times it get cleaned? Terri O

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