Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I just want to interject it is incredibly fun to pm CC and trade insults. Perhaps more of you should try it...? :D

I'm popping out to the coop quick to paint a wall. I only have the time of a show the youngest is watching. I gotta hurry!!!
I just want to interject it is incredibly fun to pm CC and trade insults. Perhaps more of you should try it...?

I'm popping out to the coop quick to paint a wall. I only have the time of a show the youngest is watching. I gotta hurry!!!

Yes, run, Bigfam. Hurry. In your robe and bunny slippers, skipping all the way, whistling your happy goat tune.
I sold (well kinda) this guy! No, he's not a Del... have no clue where the markings came from

I traded him for an Easter Egger Hen. Works for me! Works for him too he gets 12 hens all to himself! LOL And his new owner loves to hear a rooster's crow.

This guy I'm thinking about keeping... Or to a good home. I at least want to get a few chicks sired by him.

Storkey hunkered down in her nest... less than a week to go. (The brick is holding the nest)
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Hey Cind, is that roo you just traded Storkey's dad? Or did you get Storkey from Jim at the bash? CRS hard at work, ya know.

BBP, just wait. I had my chicks in my bathroom. Their first night outside was the night I couldn't sleep a wink. Musta been too quiet?
You must have had someone babysitting your incubator BBP.

I had set eggs on March 16 th so they should be hatching in a few days.

Storkey is adorable!!!
And so are those roos cindlady!

If you wash the stove right after you use it it is easy to clean.
Just popped in to say goodnight! NJ--dont be silly, if one of those roos trips your trigger just let me know! That's where they are headed anyhow...if they get to have some fun for a year then that makes me happy.
On a sad note...I went out to lock up and found one of my Blue Ameracaunas dead on the nest! I was wondering why it looked so crowded in there today...She looked like she was asleep! It was one of the good hens too...not the one without the tail. No injuries, didnt feel egg bound; maybe she just had a heart attack or something. Chickens puzzle me more and more!
Good night and sweet dreams! TErri O
CC...Storkey was the only yellow chick Jim brought to the bash so I took her.... turns out shes a Thai fowl. She's normally a bit flighty, and for a long time she thought she was one of the guineas!
Since she's gone broody I've been petting her and talking to her every day. She's been real good. Hoping she won't freak when I want to see the chicks. Problem is she wants to get so deep in the nest she winds up spreading it out!
There are 2 meters, but the one that goes to my house is only for upstairs. Hmm My neighbor has to read it because I am not trusted to read it. ugh! Yeah I don't know why either~ it defies all reason. But so many things do around here.

When I moved in this place was "Pristine" (at least on the surface) And that is the way it is expected to stay.

Well I do have a nice garden and am able to keep chickens. The husband is very reasonable but the wife is from a different planet. Thats where the conflict comes from.

I spent $200 at Menards today. Got almost everything I need. I suppose there will be something I forgot. lol I bought some mold cleaner for $13 but I suspect vinegar would have done the same thing. Awe well I got 2 gallons of vinegar too. I did forget the Kilnz so probably have to go get that too. Tonight I been cleaning the floor and just working on that. I want to get done but need to work slow and deliberate to do it right. I fell through the floor this morning. Ouch. I had a few choice words not repeatable. Thats right speak first, think about it later! hahaaha

I bought a huge fly trap terminator for $10 at the feed store with 4 doses of "bait". It was marked down from $37.99. They just couldnt sell any. I wonder why. lol

My silkies are so cute. They are in the little coop which is close to the new garden and they are all digging. I didn't even know they knew how to act like chickens. The 6 "babies" are running and trying out their little wings. There is a south facing window which heats the place up and I planted sunflower seeds there so they would have shade. Well today I see they dug them all up (they had already sprouted. But they are so cute how do you get mad at a chicken. When it is time to close up I say come on Bummer lets go inside come on now. And he rounds everybody up with a little help from me and waits for everyone to go inside and then he goes in last. Such a good daddy. Mocha got lost 2 feet from the coop because she has a tennis ball for a head. No wonder she likes to stay inside. Lucky I "found' her.

I cracked some Ameraucana eggs and they are still fertile from the EE roo. I forced the Ameraucana roo to go in with the hens today and he talked a sad story evry time I went over there. The hens are still being mean to him. I sure hope he gains some Hutspah or whatever. Can a person do something for this?

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