Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

wouldn't ya know it ? I have a guy interested in buying my barrock hens,, and now there is a rooster in a reasonable driving distance for me to pick up,, FREE ..

I am going to call both parties and then make up my mind what to do..

TerriO, you mentioned something awhile ago about chickens growing slower in cold weather.. I have to agree with you.. the two surviving chicks from that late fall hatch look like perfectly formed barrock pullet, and Del pullet,, but both are bantam size.. I think they have quit growing,, I also have one guinea that is very tiny.. maybe this is the secret to developing bantam breeds of large chickens ??

I am anxious to see what sized eggs they will lay.. of course I will not keep them if they are bantams,, I will try to get a picture of one (or both) of them along side of a regular hen..

Well Jim, you could do both..pick up that BR rooster for me and sell your hens all except a couple ya want to breed send em here with the roo and later this year you will have lots of baby rocks to hatch you eggs....... we would acomplishing both our goials, at the same time and in the mean time you don't have to deal with a new roo to fight with who your keeping for breeding season, I have need of that BR rooster and can not find any down here that are decent............ Kim
well, I am back already from the road trip.. I picked up a real nice BR Roo and a real nice SLW Roo.. I suppose you want pictures, now..

the guy I got them from is on byc,, but not in the cheeseheads, yet.. he is a real nice guy.. first time with chickens.. got them from MMcM.. I will try to get him to visit us here.. but you gals have to promise to treat him nice.. no mistreatment like we guys are putting up with..

the sun is shining so nice, there are honks, crows, cackles , gobbles and about every other sound the birds make when they are happy..

going out for awhile..

will be back with pictures,, I hoope..


this is the runt barrock I mentioned earlier.. the one sitting to her left is of a smaller size than normat..

this is the Tom I picked up last Sunday..

this is the SLW that I picked up today.. he is from MMcM.. at least the guy said it was a SLW

this is the barrock roo I picked up today also.. he is also from MMcM.. he is a lot bigger than the two I already have.. they will be going to freezer camp as soon as we get a nice warm day.

Kim,, sorry.. You don't get this roo.. I looked long and hard for him..

you can have the other two misfits if you want them..

...jimwhoproducespictureswhenhepromosesthem......... .
Good evening All! Eating the Gizzards and Rice as I type...here is a pic for your enjoyment:

It is very good but not the same as what I have made in the past. I couldnt find the recipe that I wrote 20 years ago...it is similar but not the same! I now added some powdered ginger and it is a bit better, sure hope I find that original recipe!

Thanks for that info on the 13 weeks Jim...I thought the Heritage breeds had a better immune system cause I havent had any problems with them compared to my first try with turkeys. Also the friend with peacocks isnt the same one that wants turkeys...but maybe I can make a deal? If you want to dump yours....

JJ--nice pic of breakfast eggs! I cant believe that you have quail laying...or is it an old pick? ;)

Need to finish my dinner...back later! TerriOlovinthegizzards
Not much to report. Still no eggs....
Nice pics Jim.
I was supposed to pick up a dozen white chantecler hatching eggs on Sunday, but she is not happy with the fertility. I'm going to wait until the beginning of March so I can do the Easter excite hatch a long. Pretty excited

Gotta go- The State of the Union is on.
Good night all!
JJ--nice pic of breakfast eggs! I cant believe that you have quail laying...or is it an old pick? ;)

Need to finish my dinner...back later! TerriOlovinthegizzards
not an old pic. Took it today.

That is 3 days worth of coturnix eggs.

I have them in the garage where they are warmer and lighted 24/7
Gotcha JJ--actually I think you told me that when we were last together killing chickens...oh wait--I was probably interrupting you as you were speaking!
(Sorry guys---kind of a "had to be there" joke!)

SO here is the recipe for the G&R. I think you can see it, but maybe you have to sign in...anyhow, it is a GREAT site for recipes and camaraderie! (kind of like here!)

Enjoy! TerriOheadingouttotheicefields

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