Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

thanks irish and ft! shes still here chirping giving more time for corid to work
I forgot, how old is she? What breed? Just curious.
Anyway, you might want to see if she will eat some yogurt with the live cultures in it. Maybe dilute it with warm water and give that to her instead of the water. Do you have her under a heat light or over a heating pad? If not (depending on how old she is) I'd make sure she is warm enough too. I'm sure you're doing all that but just thought I'd ask.

Lisa, how is your screaming Ameraucana doing today ? Better I hope.

VickyW not sure if we're going to the swap or not. Depends on a lot of things. I'd like to... but don't need anything.... don't have any money to spend....da da da.....

Two years ago, Jim, Unk and I sat around at a table Wave had set up. What time would you be going? Jim? Unk? Anyone? Mini bash hey ???? lol

Also VW they cancelled the spay clinics in other areas for two weeks because one of the techs had surgery. It's almost impossible, or I should say it is impossible to do what they do without the two techs and of course the Vet. And of course the voluteers.

The volunteers mainly do odd jobs ie, move vari kennels to specific areas..... male/female, private or shelter animals. Fill out Rabies and other paperwork, scrub, wrap and sanitize instruments (is what I do) mostly.
You don't have any hands on with the animals per say. I think that is for liability reasons. When people are dropping off or picking up their beloved pets I often talk to the owners if I've fallen in love with their pet.
I do have to tell you that it can get pretty noisy at the clinics..... when the dogs are waking up from the sedation a lot of them will howl. At first I thought they were in pain but it's not, it's a side effect of the anesthesia. OMG there were two Boston Terriers that were LOUD..... Then the next time there was another Boston Terrier that had some nice vocal cords on him too !! You will meet some interesting breeds, or should I say cross breeds....... You know the designer dogs that had pups from another designer dog breed....= mutt small dog... some are so dang cute !!
The best part of it all is the rewarding feeling you get because you know you just made a small dent in the pet over population !!!
Did I send you Karla's phone number a while ago? If not let me know and I'll look it up for you again.

Jim, I stopped at Fleet Farm in Antigo today, no brussel sprouts. If and it's an IF I go to Crandon before Sunday and I see brussel sprout plants (they are Jade Cross) do you want me to pick some up for you ????

BBP that price should keep the meat buyers away.... just be truthfully honest with people... I know you will be but not everyone in the horse world is.... that way their won't be any surprises for the new owner and your boy won't be up for adoption or auction or shipped to Mexico or Canada for meat because the next owner had problems with him.
I would highly suggest if you have anyone interested in him that is not experienced to tell them he is not a beginner horse AND/OR have them bring their riding instrutor/trainer OR an experienced horse owner with them. He sounds like he has a very curious personality and would love to learn new things. He may be a bit to much for a newbie but a welcome challenge for someone with experience. Some like them with get up and go.... I like them fat and slow !!! lol

Oh and one other reason I'm not sure about Sunday...... ETs boss's son is suppose to come over and scrape my paddocks. He owes me cause I bought him those chicks a few months ago. He said he is going to try to make it here Thursday... I'm not holding my breath. If he doesn't come tomorrow hoping he will come on the weekend. If it doesn't rain.
That's all I'm going to say on that matter........ (keeping all of my thoughts on this subject to myself, but ready to explode).....

Ok, gotta go look up some things.... fill you all in on my doc visit later... still no CPAP.... my insurance may not pay !!!! Because I don't have the true sleep apnea......
Evening To Everyone....Glad you didn't dump us H&R...we did miss you at the bash, it's the first one you guys ever missed, I think and I'm sorry for mistaking you on the advice. It might of be MLH then.
The tylan does have a exp date on the box....so check that out to make sure it's fresh enough for a long shelf life...I did have great results with the tylan 50 given orally for weasing birds a couple years ago. One dose did it.

Frenchie, I made it to the orchard at Antigo....what a wonderful, intelligent lady....she sent not only liquid gel with the trees for soaking before planting, but also wonder grow cubes that are added to the holes, as well as plastic mole sleeves for the trunks.....when I asked her how long she has been working with the fruit trees...she said the orchard has been going 53 years.....I've never dealt with a person so eager do things right. Kudos to them....thanks for the tip!

Enjoy the fish Cind...suzie and jennie went fishing for a while this afternoon....they caught 16 sunfish keepers...gonna be fresh fish Friday...i'm thinkin.

Sounds like you guys a getting a handle on the sick birds.....good job...it is tuff to figure this stuff sometimes, and the losses are never fun....hopefully knowledge is gained and losses will be avoided next time around. Chickens are such gentle fowl...always gonna be some losses, if you raise them long enough.

Glad yo are home safe bl4...thanks for the fuel info...not bad really, when you consider the vehicle.

Sunshine tomorrow....work to be done.

Be Safe....bigz
You are welcome !! Glad you didn't drive all that way to be disappointed.... what kind did you end up getting ? You tried the Apple Pie Shots right ? I used her apple cider in the recipe... yum now I want some !!!
All you guys are making me hungryf or fish fry now !!!! Have to get ET to dig out our poles.
Quote: Tonight she seemed 100% NORMAL
I am still treating her separately though. Do tell me about these apple trees...I was planning on planting some more this year.

Tonight I informed my husband of the breeding pens I will be needing for next spring. Why? He asks. I was like how am I going to get the right hens with the right rooster's if I can't separate them from the others? He asked what the nice big coop he built was for? So, I told him that was for the layers only. Or I could just sell those...(he likes those chickens). After much explaining and some weird looks he started looking up materials. He just finished a terrific A-Frame 6x16 chicken tractor and as a reward I waited a few days, a week even, to let him know of this new and exciting project. As a bonus I said I only need a rooster pen before winter, but added how much easier it would be to just get it all done in case the weather doesn't cooperate next spring. Oh boy am I going to pay for this....and not in cash either, lol.

Ok, Chapter three for today. (Weds)

Started out driving down the road and asking ET what that rattling noise was coming from the roof of the car..... Looked down between the seats and my 1/2 gallon mason jar with ice tea was not there..... He said.... YOUR TEA !!!! As we drove downhill.... he said TAKE IT SLOW as I slowly stopped the car on the hill. I could just envision my GLASS 1/2 gal jar rolling down my windshield after smacking it and breaking the window..... Lucked out.... it stayed on top of the roof until ET jumped out and fetched it !!!

Got to Weston Marshfield Clinic 20 minutes late !!!! Plus I forgot my phone so when they tried calling me I didn't answer... but TG they still saw me. Didn't help that my GPS gave me directions that were 20 miles further to drive then Google Maps on line..... geez you really have to know how to get there so you know which one to use !!!

So, anyway, very nice doctor. Well, where do I start.... nothing ever goes simple or by the book. He asked a bunch of questions, long story shorter, He said I do not have sleep apnea, like I was told and explained the difference between sleep apnea and upper respiratory resistance syndrome. He feels the CPAP would help BUT Medicare won't approve of it unless you have sleep apnea !!!! So if they don't pay I don't think my secondary Blue Cross will pay either. He said they cost about $2000.
But that's not all. He looked at my pulm function test. There was one part on that that he was concerned about. It was the part where they add I think he said CO while you breath and measure how much they put in and how much of that or something else comes back out.... guess my percentage was 64% that should have been 100% or close to it????
That being said, it could be my heart... not surprising since I've been diagnosed in 1999 with Congestive Cardiomyopathy and have been on meds ever since. So he ordered an Echo Cardiogram and a sniff test... I know the sniff test had me worried.....
They got me in for the Sniff test today... I thought they were going to have me sniffing arm pitts or something !!!!
No such luck..... LOL they just are xraying your diaphragm while you are breathing normally and then while you are sniffing in and out. It was cool, you could watch it while you were sniffing...... I am easily entertained !!! lol
Guess my diaphragm is working ok (the doctor that did the test showed me what he saw) the right side is normally a bit higher then the left because the liver sits under it and the spleen is under the left side (see you learned something today). There was a small amount of scarring on my right side from my lung surgery but he didn't think enough to make much of a difference.
That doc was real nice too. I told him, geez... I was hoping you guys would stumble across something so I can start feeling better !!! lol No such luck.
So now have to wait to find out when I can get the Echo done.
The nurse said, ok he wants to see you in 6 wks....... I said no, he said a few weeks. I'm not waiting that long.... I want to start feeling better and have a good summer !!!! So I got in July 3rd. I will make sure they get this test done....No Bu!! about it !! Then he wants to see the actual CT scan that they did in Milw. I have to call about that tomorrow and have them send a CD of it.... Soon.
So the bottom line is, I'll probably have to find a new cardiologist at Marshfield Clinic. I am not going to be driving 250 miles one way to MIlw to have them order a test and come back.......etc.
Oh and he did say loosing weight would help.... NO $hit $herlock !!!

So on that note...... ET took me to Olive Garden in Wausau and I ate wheat for the first time in 5 days...... Zupa Soup, Salad and Bread Sticks-2 of them.
ET had at least 7 Bread sticks.... but he said it may have been a few more !!!
Oh and stopped for a Carmel Sunday on the way home (with Pecans)
So back on track tomorrow. I did lose 12 lbs though.... think the new water pill they put me on contributed although I had been good all week.

Ok, that is the end of Chapter 3
Tonight she seemed 100% NORMAL
I am still treating her separately though. Do tell me about these apple trees...I was planning on planting some more this year.

Tonight I informed my husband of the breeding pens I will be needing for next spring. Why? He asks. I was like how am I going to get the right hens with the right rooster's if I can't separate them from the others? He asked what the nice big coop he built was for? So, I told him that was for the layers only. Or I could just sell those...(he likes those chickens). After much explaining and some weird looks he started looking up materials. He just finished a terrific A-Frame 6x16 chicken tractor and as a reward I waited a few days, a week even, to let him know of this new and exciting project. As a bonus I said I only need a rooster pen before winter, but added how much easier it would be to just get it all done in case the weather doesn't cooperate next spring. Oh boy am I going to pay for this....and not in cash either, lol.

Sounds like you have wrapped around your little pinky.... You go girl !!!!!
Tonight she seemed 100% NORMAL
I am still treating her separately though. Do tell me about these apple trees...I was planning on planting some more this year.

Tonight I informed my husband of the breeding pens I will be needing for next spring. Why? He asks. I was like how am I going to get the right hens with the right rooster's if I can't separate them from the others? He asked what the nice big coop he built was for? So, I told him that was for the layers only. Or I could just sell those...(he likes those chickens). After much explaining and some weird looks he started looking up materials. He just finished a terrific A-Frame 6x16 chicken tractor and as a reward I waited a few days, a week even, to let him know of this new and exciting project. As a bonus I said I only need a rooster pen before winter, but added how much easier it would be to just get it all done in case the weather doesn't cooperate next spring. Oh boy am I going to pay for this....and not in cash either, lol.

Don't know how far you are but the apple orchard I referred Bigz to is in Antigo.... They don't grow their own trees like VickyW pointed out but they do have a huge orchard and sell apples in the fall.
Here is their name and address:
GrandView Orchard
W8088 County F
Antigo, WI 54409

715 627-7727

They have several varieties of apple trees, pear, cherry, plum, flowering crab.
1-2 bare root $16.50, potted $20.50
3-12 $16.00 pottedd $20.00
and so on..... they were in the process of potting all of the trees last week so may not have any bare root left. (the bare root were in an insulated cool garage)
They also have shade trees, grapes, rhubarb, asparagus,bittersweet, currant, boosrberry, honeysuckl, mock orange.

Azalea, elderberry, flowering plum, rhododendron, sand cherry, forsythia and lilac.

Blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, strawberry (Out of)

No I didn't have this all memorized !!! Just copied it from their catalog !!!! They don't have a website.. It is a little old lady and her friends I think that work there.... put me to shame when I saw how they handled those shovels !!!

The trees aren't huge but are a nice size for the price, wouldn't you say so Bigz?
Hi All!
Seems like a long day and allot of posts for me to handle tonight.

WCC.... So sorry you have to give up so many critters! Sure wish I could help.

Hoping all the sick critters are on the mend!

The fish fry was sooooo good! Young son had gone and caught a few more so it was a nice feast!

I know there was allot more but the headache is taking over.... Night All!
"I don't have a wire cage, but spending the night In a plastic kennel...would that work?"

most likely not,,,,the purpose of the wire is so the bird cools off,,,that seems to work well for me,,,sometimes it takes a couple of days in a cage. While you are hitting rummage sales watch for one, old rabbit hutches work well (this comes from a guy with at least 7 broodies right now,,,my wire cages are getting a work out this summer)
Do you think something like a day in the shade in an xpen might work. Just some isolation?
Morning everyone! :frow
Hope you all made it thru the storm.

Lisa- so glad to hear your hen is doing better.

Angie - how is your baby this morning?

Even tho it's practically in my backyard I probably won't go to the swap this year either. Don't need anything and really don't have the room for more so I I don't go, nothing can accidentally follow me home.

Supposed to be a really nice day today with a breeze to keep the bugs at bay so I might actually get some weeding done.

Sorry so many of you are having such a tough time of it right now, praying today is a bit better :hugs

One of those nights where I never managed to fall asleep (gave up around 2am and watched swamp loggers till sunrise) so I am now in SERIOUS need of another cuppa!!!!
Off to return the RV this morning. Back to reality tomorrow...... and I still have tons of laundry to do. I also have to find time today to pick up a b-day present for my niece who is turning 10 today.

Other than that, not much going on here. After all the excitement of the past week it seems so..... dull.

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