Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good Wet Morning! Whew so much going on! Vic gotta love the KFC pic. BL4 glad your home safe! Sorry to hear about the sick chix! CC so sorry about more kitty probs
been rough for us too. H&R holy crap
do you get any time for sleep?
Man FT so many things going on with you hope you can get them worked out!
Got the coop cleaned out yesterday. And as usual got tore a new one because there wasn't any material in the nest boxes when there was SUPPOSED to be. WOW! But they are much happier now. Got the pot holes filled in in the driveway, trimmed the shrubs along the drive, re-seeded and weeded the garden, and few million other things. Was thinking of going Nort today but will wait till tomorrow. Decided to pre cut the deck material here and pound it together up there, what could possibly go wrong? Need to take care of the rubybarbie today too. Gassed up the spare tire for the camper hope it's still holding air.
Don't know the H is going on with this site or my settings but it's really Peein me off! Better get movin.
LOL.... yes but that has been a big part of the issue... with so many storms going through the last 3 weeks our Aussie's storm anxiety would kick in and she would keep me up or wake me up super early in the morning(1:30- 2:30 am) and then once she was giving another round of meds, I could fall back to sleep
Ask my kids, I was very grumpy to say the least!
Evening To Everyone....Glad you didn't dump us H&R...we did miss you at the bash, it's the first one you guys ever missed, I think and I'm sorry for mistaking you on the advice. It might of be MLH then.
The tylan does have a exp date on the box....so check that out to make sure it's fresh enough for a long shelf life...I did have great results with the tylan 50 given orally for weasing birds a couple years ago. One dose did it.

Frenchie, I made it to the orchard at Antigo....what a wonderful, intelligent lady....she sent not only liquid gel with the trees for soaking before planting, but also wonder grow cubes that are added to the holes, as well as plastic mole sleeves for the trunks.....when I asked her how long she has been working with the fruit trees...she said the orchard has been going 53 years.....I've never dealt with a person so eager do things right. Kudos to them....thanks for the tip!

Enjoy the fish Cind...suzie and jennie went fishing for a while this afternoon....they caught 16 sunfish keepers...gonna be fresh fish Friday...i'm thinkin.

Sounds like you guys a getting a handle on the sick birds.....good job...it is tuff to figure this stuff sometimes, and the losses are never fun....hopefully knowledge is gained and losses will be avoided next time around. Chickens are such gentle fowl...always gonna be some losses, if you raise them long enough.

Glad yo are home safe bl4...thanks for the fuel info...not bad really, when you consider the vehicle.

Sunshine tomorrow....work to be done.

Be Safe....bigz
We had 5 soccer games the weekend of the bash between DS(11) and DD(13) and a couple of units to finish as well. Just not enough hours in the day

Finished the last place up yesterday(till the end of the month) and so the kids and I can work on getting our house back in shape, along with them working on fair projects and cleaning animal pens......plus paper work.... oh yeah!

Should mow the grass but DH took the mowers today to cut at the rentals so ours will wait until tonight.

Sunshine here today already so best get moving.... chores don't do themselves
I just saw something really cool and I want to share it with those of you with bad goats. I might just get some goats again now myself! I just love them but didn't want to deal with containing them again. My friend was getting really frustrated because his goats were eating his flowers, the siding on the house, and wandering to far. He decided to try the pet containment system with the RF tower and shock collars. He got it at Menards. I have a similar one for my dogs but it has a buried underground wire. I watched the video and I'll be darned if it didn't work. The goats learned fairly quickly not to pass the flagged boundary or they would get zapped. Within a few hours they were happily grazing inside the containment area and staying there.

I never had fainting goats, so gosh, maybe they would.

So glad Latte is doing better! Mine is still good to.

Angiebuds !!!
That's great news,,,,, I'm sure your possitive energy flow is helping that little chick as well. How old is it? Breed? Just curious.... forming a mental picture of it is hard without info..lol

I was thinking the same thing.... a shock collar on a fainter would NOT be a good thing. Espcially if the crossed the fence and kept getting shocked while they layed there. In MHO that would be asking for a heart attach.
I really hate to see people try to get their fainters to faint and fall over. I'm sure they don't enjoy it...they physically can't move and are put in harms way because of it !!! Poor goats !!

Windows wide open this morning and it was a bit chilly in here but it felt Soooooo Good !!! Sun is out. Now to decided which one of the 101 projects and chores I want or should I say need to do first...... Laundry at the Laundry Mat sucks on a day like this..... Really need to get our washer fixed....

Heather forgot to tell you, I'm so glad you got that device for Halden and the door locky thingys... Hoping it provides a sense of relief for you and keeps him out of danger.


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