Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

The second is not watching. He's somewhere else, turning a blind eye to where the loot is coming from. I realize the real issue lies with the consumers using these products. If there wasn't a market, there would be no need. Even though one of the arguements for it involves the fishing industry.
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The second is not watching. He's somewhere else, turning a blind eye to where the loot is coming from. I realize the real issue lies with the consumers using these products. If there wasn't a market, there would be no need. Even though one of the arguements for it involves the fishing industry.
the distance between the perp and the person doing the deed is immaterial..
the moral judgement is still the same..

I am not disagreeing with you.. I agree , I would not want to know the clubber, either ..

nor would I want to know his partner,
Yup it is disgusting; as disgusting as eating shark fin soup or foie gras. So to boycott, do not purchase sealskin anything, do not eat at Asian restaurants that serve shark fin, and do not eat at restaurants that serve foie gras. Sign petitions if you want. Put your energy into something productive about ending the practice.

Made the traditional Corned Beef dinner tonight. I have one child who does not like corned beef, so I am spoiling her with a little lamb chop.

Annabelle ripped out one of her stitches, silly cat.....

The best news of the day? My seed order arrived!!!!!!
I cannot wait to get them going! I have a NEED to smell fresh dirt!

Key lime pie for dessert, and then an Irish coffee...
good evening.. not much happening here today.
snowed a tiny bit..
when I just went out to lock up the chicken coop, all of the puppies accompanied me.. I gathered the rest of the eggs, with puppies swarming all around my legs..

Dora is the fight promoter with Bo.. she barks at him and rushes at him, and then Puppy joins in and they do the 15 second round.. it is getting to be a routine.. nobody gets hurt. but it sounds vicious ..

the lady from Janesville and her DH decided not to adopt a "great pyranese" ..I do not have GP's..maybe they do not deserve a Maremma .. they want their golden lab to be the largest dog. Like the dog's would notice ??

I did have a scamer answer my ad in Madison.. and my ad in Madison was flagged,, I told Annie that I didn't want to do Madison, because it is nothing buy trouble.. Now she knows what I meant .

Del- I'm glad that Cookie is working out. Does she have a pleasant personality? More importantly...is she outside? LOL

I have Spring Break next week, maybe I'll stop over to see her.
Sure..give me a call..I will bake something wonderful..she is in the coop.

good evening.. not much happening here today.
snowed a tiny bit..
when I just went out to lock up the chicken coop, all of the puppies accompanied me.. I gathered the rest of the eggs, with puppies swarming all around my legs..

Dora is the fight promoter with Bo.. she barks at him and rushes at him, and then Puppy joins in and they do the 15 second round.. it is getting to be a routine.. nobody gets hurt. but it sounds vicious ..

the lady from Janesville and her DH decided not to adopt a "great pyranese" ..I do not have GP's..maybe they do not deserve a Maremma .. they want their golden lab to be the largest dog. Like the dog's would notice ??

I did have a scamer answer my ad in Madison.. and my ad in Madison was flagged,, I told Annie that I didn't want to do Madison, because it is nothing buy trouble.. Now she knows what I meant .

I don't like Madison either..
It was great to be able to go out with just a sweatshirt to tuck in the critters tonight! I pray that all of you north of me get above freezing soon and we stay above freezing.

Egg count: My maran is laying every other day, but they are double yolkers and I've got one still sitting waiting for the chance to hatch out chicks (she prays for the end of March-Easter hatch). The rest run like clockwork! Anyone for a Easter hatch-a-long?

I've got the FF inside cause it was too cold in the garage. I wonder how long it'll be until someone tells me to remove it because of the smell? Any bets?

Otherwise, no news is good news. Here is the East side of my building at work today. They took off the outer wall and next week the wall you see will be gone!

Seems like everyone is starting to feel and get into the spring mood. Was wanting to do that too but what do u know!

First we had a pretty chilly weekend and now that it's supposed to warm a wee bit for this week, we're under another winter storm warning til Wednesday evening! Grrr. Already got a nice whiteout this morning and 4" of new snow. Just great... Only about 8" more to go til Wednesday evening... Gaaah!

My Pekin is still sitting on her nest, one not very successful batch of Ancona eggs in the bator with another hopefully arriving on Wednesday. SO's brothers hatching chicken eggs are lost somewhere in the mail system and he is still looking for a black australop roo and a couple of pullets. We shall see how this week will continue on... Just not looking forward to a very cold upcoming weekend. Will this cold ever stop?!?
Hi All!

Jim... I just thought since Deli is the one who wanted the dog, and she's the one that would be training the dog, she's the one that set up the deal and picked one out, and you knew, she should have gotten the one she wanted. But, I suppose Joe paid for it.

IMO... If a person knowingly buys goods that are obtained in an unethical or inhumane way, they are guilty of promoting the practice. However, we probably have or are unknowing participants at one point or another. The best thing is to learn where things come from!

Chickens are enjoying the lack of snow on some parts of the ground! The turkeys look like they were trying to take mud baths... I think those toms need to wipe their feet before the get frisky! LOL

Night All!
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We pulled that with a puppy once. My dad picked one out. My mom, my 2 brothers and I had to pick it up when it was old enough. We got there and fell in love with a different puppy. So that's the one we came home with. A couple days later the remaining puppies got into antifreeze and died. Makes me feel bad for the puppy we rejected, but the one we took home was a great dog. They were basset hound mixes.
Yeah, we're working on the SOP acceptance. We have a few years of showing/breeding yet to meet the requirements, but we're on our way. Hoping to get more IBs to the shows this year. The standard committee is hard at work revamping the standard based on feedback from judges from last year, so hoping to have a good solid standard going forward. Will be dropping the birchen description for now, focusing on the silver as the main coloration with the option to add the birchens in the future if there is interest. Lots of interest generated from several articles we contributed to this past year, now we need to get the birds out to fill the demand. Good to see the breed get a lift in interest. A few years of selective breeding will help them, too, get them back up to size and appearance. They got pretty genetically depressed the past couple decades.

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