Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Spent the weekend cleaning out the whole "deep litter" from this winter-nasty! Partial dirt and partial cement floor, lots of nook and crannys, roosts, etc. I bought some Oxine this morning but there are still some damp spots as it is. I know your not supposed to let the chickens back into the coop until the Oxine is dry. I am afraid if I spray it now-I will b wet in there any I wont be able to put pine shavings down etc. Should I skip the Oxine? Maybe do it this summer? thoughts?
probably way to late to help..but if it is just Oxine with out the citrus you are fine.

If anyone here would help out vote for mine #24 to see if I could win something.
good luck!!!
probably way to late to help..but if it is just Oxine with out the citrus you are fine.

good luck!!!
It was too cold and damp out-I skipped the Oxine. I will do it next time I clean out the coop (a lot more frequent during warmer weather) and give it a good spray down. After two days of shoveling I feel crippled-talk about out of shape!!
Well the true story about the trip to Delisha's was that it was a last minute call to see if she wanted company. Wednesday and I wanted to head out that way so I called to see if we could stop by. Vicki was gracious enough and invited us over and made us lunch and dessert. We did manage to clean out the upstairs of one of her building and get in for coffee before the rain really started. It was a great day, but we were all ready for a nap afterwards! Cookie is a sweety for all of you wondering.
Hi All!

Sclark....Nice chick pics! Good luck on the contest!

H&R.... nice set of bunny slippers! LOL

BBP... congrats on the pigs! Nothing like the smell of a pigsty after a rain. lol

Thought I was going to have fresh roasted turkey for breakfast! Stupid young tom wouldn't come in last night and spent the night on the coop roof. The lightning got pretty close! Then hail, more rain and more thunder and lightning. He was still there in the morning.

For those who missed it.... my youngest son is making Donkey Balls.....


Night All!
Good snowy morning all!
You all have been so helpful to me I thought I'd see if any of you have run across this issue that I've never dealt with before...an egg eating rooster. I set up a breeder pen last week with a young rooster, pullet and hen. The first few days there were 2 eggs in the nest then Friday there were none...I didn't inspect the nest because I just thought the girls took the day off. Saturday I heard the roo making his 'come eat' call from the nest...saw a broken egg but thought it was an accident. Well, yesterday I watched him wait for one of the girls to lay, then break the egg and call to them! This morning there was another 'wet egg spot' in the nest when I got out there.
Any suggestions as to how I can get him to stop this or protect the eggs till I can collect them?

Bigz, good luck this week! My tag is for this season too but if it doesn't quit snowing I might not even go out.

Voted this morning Sclark...good luck!!
Good snowy morning all!
You all have been so helpful to me I thought I'd see if any of you have run across this issue that I've never dealt with before...an egg eating rooster. I set up a breeder pen last week with a young rooster, pullet and hen. The first few days there were 2 eggs in the nest then Friday there were none...I didn't inspect the nest because I just thought the girls took the day off. Saturday I heard the roo making his 'come eat' call from the nest...saw a broken egg but thought it was an accident. Well, yesterday I watched him wait for one of the girls to lay, then break the egg and call to them! This morning there was another 'wet egg spot' in the nest when I got out there.
Any suggestions as to how I can get him to stop this or protect the eggs till I can collect them?

Bigz, good luck this week! My tag is for this season too but if it doesn't quit snowing I might not even go out.

Voted this morning Sclark...good luck!!
how many eggs are you planning on collecting,?
If just a few, take the rooster out of there.. the eggs should be fertile for a few days,, then put him back in, hope he doesn't eat too many eggs and take him out as soon as he does the chicken 3 seconds..

then when you are all done collecting eggs, off with his head and look for a different rooster..
Jim, this pen was just for 'fill in' eggs. I have one more breeder pen to set up with Brahmas and those are what I need to incubate for orders. The 'egg eater' pen is a project so I was just going to add those eggs to fill the incubator.
How many days do the hens stay fertile? Only 3? Maybe I can crate him at night and let him out after I collect eggs?

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