Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good for you!

Yes one had horrible pasty butt...they are about two weeks old. Thought they we're cute at hardware store and no idea what to do with them. Sigh... My daughter will love them to pieces
The chicks are 5 days old I have a total of 10. My first hatch ever, I had 12 hatch and 2 more that needed help hatching... the 2 that needed help did not make it, 2 more were very weak and didn't make it....So 10 left. I have 2 with poop sticking around their butts, I have been keeping the vents clear by wiping multiple times a day... any other hints/tips to try for those two? The one has had feathers plucked from his butt by his broodmates, it's not bleeding though. He/she seems tired today as well....I hope they are going to be O.K. :(
Does farm and fleet carry oxine? I need to do a big clean this summer

I have never seen it there..
Good snowy morning all!
You all have been so helpful to me I thought I'd see if any of you have run across this issue that I've never dealt with before...an egg eating rooster. I set up a breeder pen last week with a young rooster, pullet and hen. The first few days there were 2 eggs in the nest then Friday there were none...I didn't inspect the nest because I just thought the girls took the day off. Saturday I heard the roo making his 'come eat' call from the nest...saw a broken egg but thought it was an accident. Well, yesterday I watched him wait for one of the girls to lay, then break the egg and call to them! This morning there was another 'wet egg spot' in the nest when I got out there.
Any suggestions as to how I can get him to stop this or protect the eggs till I can collect them?

Bigz, good luck this week! My tag is for this season too but if it doesn't quit snowing I might not even go out.

Voted this morning Sclark...good luck!!
Sometimes a male will check for hardness in eggs too..he wants them to nest and make babys too.letting them together after the eggs have been collected for the day will help. Add crushed egg shells in the grass to peck at. (in the snow)

I know a couple people here have hovabators. Are your temp displays pretty accurate? I had a genesis 1588- always had good luck hatching our EEs, probably a 90% hatch rate. We bought a second one for hatching, and stuck a thermometer in there. That one was WAY off on both temp and humidity- 4 to 5 degrees off. Is that normal that there would be such a discrepancy between two identical bators?
send it back ..and get a new one

The chicks are 5 days old I have a total of 10. My first hatch ever, I had 12 hatch and 2 more that needed help hatching... the 2 that needed help did not make it, 2 more were very weak and didn't make it....So 10 left. I have 2 with poop sticking around their butts, I have been keeping the vents clear by wiping multiple times a day... any other hints/tips to try for those two? The one has had feathers plucked from his butt by his broodmates, it's not bleeding though. He/she seems tired today as well....I hope they are going to be O.K. :(
check your temps..pasty butt is from too hot and not enough air flow sometimes...add some yogurt to feed and give them a scrambled egg... I ferment so I do not have pasty butt and I use a Brinsea so no over heating...Other than that..I can't help.
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are those incubators the ones preset at the factory ?
I don't trust anything that I cannot tweak..
I think you can reset those incubators..

I will let you know,, Marlene has one for me to look at for her.. it is not getting up to temp anymore..

we are down to just one puppy,,, they are selling like hotcakes..

two went to Minn. I had a call from Colorado last night,, got an email from Green Bay today..
at first we were worried that we couldn't get rid of all of them, now we could use a few more..

today Annie sold a puppy and a pair of Barred Rocks while I was in town.. I should go to town more often and leave her home ..
The chicks are 5 days old I have a total of 10. My first hatch ever, I had 12 hatch and 2 more that needed help hatching... the 2 that needed help did not make it, 2 more were very weak and didn't make it....So 10 left. I have 2 with poop sticking around their butts, I have been keeping the vents clear by wiping multiple times a day... any other hints/tips to try for those two? The one has had feathers plucked from his butt by his broodmates, it's not bleeding though. He/she seems tired today as well....I hope they are going to be O.K. :(

I use baby oil and warm water when I clean the pasty butts. The baby oil seems to help keep poop from sticking.
Where is everyone lately?

Jim-can you post a pic of your last boy?

The rabbits & birds got a special treat tonight, a lb of spinach and turnip greens. The rabbits were really happy to have something fresh tonight. I think they needed some fuel for the cold temps.
Hello all again.

We didn't get any lasting snowflakes up here at all! Had quiet a bit of rain in Saturday, on/off on Friday and a few trial flurries yesterday. It just turned back to freezer temps though. What's wrong with this weather? A redo of last year? I sure hope not!!!

Good for you Jim that you have only one pup left now! Should make for a quieter and more spacious home now.

And cute chick pics Stacie! Wish our would stay still long enough to grab the camera to take a pic. Lol.

Had 2 brown leghorn hatch on Thursday (with assist as they were both kinda glued into the membrane) and got 2 more from his brother from L&M on Sunday.
Today we moved our first 2 Ancona and 6 saxony duck eggs in lockdown. I SOOO hope most if not all of those will hatch! Especially the Anconas as we had so far no luck with those :( please keep your fingers crossed for me!

Turning in now. Was a pretty long day, including lots of driving and class tonight. All wore out. Night all!
Dis gust ing. Yeah, snow here, too. Thhhhrrrppptt.

Last night's thunderstorm somehow got to the outside extension cord, threw the breaker to the outside circuit. Wouldn't have been so bad, but that circuit also runs the garage where my chick brooders currently reside. Woke up to a stack of chicks peeping their displeasure and 4 that are now snake food that got too chilled. Really wish I had separate electricity to my coops.

Just checked my little snowflake bobwhite quail eggs while moving other eggs out to the hatcher. They're 5 days in on shipped eggs, saw at least half showing distinct red veining, woot! Got some live ones cooking in there.

Heading to bed to burrow under 3 blankets, think I'll just skip tomorrow (I wish! Have to drive up to Grafton for the next two days, not looking forward the haul.)
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