Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

, had rain and small hail here early this morning with lots of lightning/thunder...of course it got our Aussie going as she has storm anxiety.

Not a whole lot going on, just trying to get things caught up around here and ready for a new week.

Above is a picture of our French Angora litter- the babies are getting bigger every day, took a few extra hands and a few shots to get all them semi still
Spent the weekend cleaning out the whole "deep litter" from this winter-nasty! Partial dirt and partial cement floor, lots of nook and crannys, roosts, etc. I bought some Oxine this morning but there are still some damp spots as it is. I know your not supposed to let the chickens back into the coop until the Oxine is dry. I am afraid if I spray it now-I will b wet in there any I wont be able to put pine shavings down etc. Should I skip the Oxine? Maybe do it this summer? thoughts?
Just finished up doing the taxes for us and the oldest. Let me just say that I have been spoiled by TurboTax, I have not had to fill out an EZ form in 15 years so using all those silly worksheets and reading through the directions was a PITA. Thankfully it is all over with. by the time all the $ swaps hands we will break even. The way the Feds spend our $ I would rather have it in my hands than use the feds as a savings account.

I hope this rain holds off.......
Hi everyone :)
Very busy here! Reading and keeping up.
We went to minnesota yesterday for the shed hunt world show. Loved it! I think hubby will start competing. He already does it for fun. Should be an adventure for sure!
Finally found a chocolate mini rex buck for our "project" very excited!!
Shure drove through some yucky hail storms yesterday! Was a bit scary having the car...
Hello everyone.,
Just a lil update to our little coop, Jeff the Rooster is getting a little Red Head for his first girlfriend. .. meet Ginny the hen such a sweet girl she is sits on ur shoulder and eats outta ur hand...
Just about lost a dog at my in-laws! The kids and I were helping out the youngest DD practice softball, and the silly dogs would NOT leave the area! I kept trying to convince them that the brush piles were MUCH more interesting that us. Poor Fonz had a rough day out there, almost getting hit by a bat, the he thought he should pick a fight with both the female dogs (he was humiliated by both of them), he was picked off with a grounder and then he was almost clobbered with a pop fly. That was enough for me, I took them into the house after that.

French dip for dinner tonight.
Cheryl...cute bunnies... We had angoras before...lots of work!! But gorgeous.

BBp yeah for piggies, how exciting.

Bl4... French dip sounds fantastic.
Pouring rain on this palm Sunday.....thanks for sharing all the nice pics...everyone seems to be having a ton of fun.....no pick for your flat tire Jim, but I have a visual of dang on the flat anyway. I wish I could count how many times I've been there. Glad your safe and the pup delivered.

What the heck CC....junior just didn't have enough balls in that chevy on the last restart....I thought he might just pull it off...I always hated being second and the first one to lose in sports.

Way to go cs.....didn't know we had scholars at Camp...You just gotta be the proudest!

Have Fun....never had a donkey ball cind..... bigz
Hi all, rainy here all afternoon.. and coldish ..

I must have missed something about the donkey ball.. is that some sort of dance party ?

the flat tire was the easy fix.. now the accelerator advance thingy is acting up.. it is an electrical part that governs the amount of gas to the engine.. when it quits working, all I can do is travel at an idle of about 25 to 30 mph.. can't make it up a long steep hill.. then I pull over, turn off the engine and restart ... then I am good to go until it acts up again..

it is an easy fix, but I have to wait until Monday to get the part ..

just before I bought this car they changed the fuel pump in the gas tank..
I think they mis-diagnosed the problem..

I have two puppies in Minn, now.. and today I got a call from a rancher in Colorado.. and another from Illinois ..


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