Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Sharing some pics of my 4 month old "chicks" I still need to find homes for a few if anyone is looking

Judy, I really tried to get a home for one boy but they backed out on the idea. Sorry. I think it would be easy to add a lean-to to the east side of your barn but you'd have to build the roof pretty sturdy to hold the weight. If you want help and get materials, I can come help build it. I have power tools I can bring!

Sammy, I'm really short on materials right now in order to help you and am in kinda the same boat as you. I have the roof yet to figure out on my new coop. I'm thinking of covering it with 1xs and putting a tarp if I can't figure out enough tin for it. I did just score a truck load of barn boards off the roof that caved in they are shiplapped but I don't know that I'll have enough to share for a roof of that size. That's why I didn't get back to you yesterday. I was working tearing the roof off and getting the boards.They are 12 or 14 feet long and I'm using them to cover the sides and probably the roof. I know over in Holcombe someone has corrugated tin sheeting for $5 a sheet which is cheap as hell and same guy has barn boards and some 2xs for $140. I may end up buying that but not sure yet as I went and bought me a new laptop Friday(needed a 17in screen as my eyes are really getting bad).

Here is the only 2 Cochin Bantams that hatched. It was such a stressful and messy week running I forgot to add water to the bucket on sportsman and basically killed the others by shrink wrapping. I almost don't like the bucket as it takes so long to use all the water I forget to keep an eye on it.. I have the shipped eggs in the Brinsea. All the Ameracauna eggs have detached aircells so I'm only hand turning it right now for a few days and then I'll put it on the turner.

I guess you won't get a pic right now as it's not letting me add it. I'll try later.

Tyler stopped at the "Guinea Ladys" and 3 of the 4 chicks I give her this spring are roosters so he traded Aritha's daughter(Black Split Lav Orp w rose comb) to her for 2 of the roos. One of which is an EE out of my Blue Wheaton x BLRW so I may just stick him in with the other EE for breeding. I'm kinda overwhelmed with roos right now as I got 3 BLRW given to me that were from the guy in Hudson with horrific crossbill I was suppose to be butchering them but have a hard time lobbing heads off. Might have to call my mil to come help me. I have my BLRW Bantams coming tomorrow which is very exciting, I'm really looking forward to adding them to my breeding for this coming spring. Still no eggs from the BLRW ladies but I'm crossing my fingers daily. I installed a UV grow light in their coop yesterday in hopes to give them the extra light they are missing. I have to get this coop finished already. I started on it lastnight but noone would help me hold boards to attach and being it's 16 feet long it's a pain for one person. On the west side I'm fixating one of those metal nesting boxes so I can get eggs from the outside but trying to hold that by myself and attach just wouldn't happen as they are heaving as hell. Hope today I can at least get Tyler to come out and get some of the things I can't do alone done.

Sammie the ducks are doing great, somehow they all got out while I was tearing barn apart and found the pond finally. I'm hoping they made it back in coop for the night, I didn't want to let them out yet as I was afraid they'd run off.

I just realized I don't have very many chickens this year but want the BLRW completely separated from all others so I can keep hatching them thru the winter. I have 8 Foley BLRW, 3 WW, 4 Ameracaunas, 1 Black/Lav Split hen, Zeus & Hera, the 3 icky BLRW cockerels and a x roo, 2 SS, 2 Project SS, 4 SS 3 mo old chicks and the 2 Cochin Bantams. So 32 and the BLRW cocks won't be here long I hope and the 2 cochins I'm selling. Not bad to go into winter with compared to the 100+ last year.
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Hi All!

I think I still have the rest of my flock.
I've been letting Rudy out a lot! DH talked to the neighbor and he seems to think it's a 'yote. Haven't heard the yapping like after a kill though. yea, maybe fox.

Night All!
Just realized I only caught one turkey and put it on last night. The other got away from me and I was going to go out after dark and catch it perching. Ooops . . . Hope it someho made it. They are young yet, smaller than my orps.
Good sunny morning everyone!

Jim, I knew that. Some old wise guy whispered it to me ;)

Stacie, if you end up going to Holcombe to get the tin let me know. I'll come with you and we can release him of all he has (roofing stuff that is)! And if your ducks don't know yet where to go for the night I'm not sure they will find their own way back in. So you might wanna check on the poor guys.

Okay, just found out yesterday that his brothers roo isn't able to breed as he was cage kept (the roo) and the toes are fallen off (?) so he can't mount the girls. Now he is looking for either a brown leghorn or Ameraucana roo for his girls. One of each would probably work too. Angiebubs, aren't yours ameraucanas? Please let me know.

Urgh, sleepless night and found a bumble on our other Pekin Winnie. Brought her in and removed some stuff and the scab, wrapped it in Neosporin after clear iodine and she's inside now. Poor girl. And there we were just having a bird free house I thought. Lol.

Alrighty everyone, off I go again. Til later.
Hi all,

I was wondering if there are any pigeon breeders in the South Central area. If you are do you have any Baytril or Cipro? I have a really ill bird and the anti-biotic my vet gave me is not strong enough. Please PM me if you have any info it would be greatly appreciated.
No, they gave me Bactrim and it's not strong enough unfortunately. I had ordered some online last week, but it hasn't showed up yet and of course there isn't a tracking number. Just looking at some other avenues as I don't believe she will make it without a strong anti-biotic.

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