Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey everybody.

I'm new to the game so I need some input/advice on feed. I'm feeding a "mash" ground feed from my local elevator. It hangs up in my pvc feeder because it packs so tight in the tube. What are you feeding and why? I am assuming that crumbles or pellets would flow much better. Your experienced input is appreciated.

Thanks, Dave

I am feeding natural feed. finely ground grains formulated by the feed mill for egg production.
It tends to hang up in most feeders, so I just scoop feed into a large shallow pan daily.

for meat chickens, I feed 50/50 finely ground corn and oats.
I do not like crumbles for meat chickens.

I start the chicks off with one bag of medicated crumbles,
when that runs out, I start feeding the 50/50 .

this present bunch of 36 chicks are mixed in with the laying hens, so everybody gets the laying formula

I have a large hanging round feeder. I can feed the laying formula in it, but I have to kick it on the side every day to make the feed drop...
Morning all, fall sports almost done. Feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

just got logged back in,, our power blinked off for just a second..

just hope the light is not from an oncoming train..

2 eggs already today and some hens still sitting on the nests.. this is more like it.

it just started raining here. naturally it started just when I was taking the battery out of Annie's car..



I am syphoning the last jug of wine. in all, I racked 25 gallons of wine today. 20 blackberry 5 raspberry.

the sun is shining brightly. I should be outside, but I have this started and I intend to finish it.

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My job this week? Making a Wedding cake! :th  Like I needed to add this project to everything else!

On a sad note, we put the last of the sibling cats down this week. Spice made it to 19; she was doing really well but the CKD finally caught up with her. It was her time but it was still sad...... I miss those cats.

I'll try to get some pics of the cake when it is finished.

I'm so sorry for your loss. We had to put down a kitty last year at 15 she had hyperglycemia and then when we got that under control we found cancer that wasn't treatable.
I still miss my kitty, Cassie. The sweetest cat I've ever met also the best natured. She was also the last of a line and the last of two siblings we had. We have other kitties including a pair of siblings but they can never replace Cassie but I love them too.

It's funny I think how they can't replace your previous pets but that your heart seems to grow and make room for the new pets. I will never be without pets if I can help it but I don't think I'll ever find another cat like Cassie. Message me any time if you would like to talk.

Would love to see pics of the cake. :)

just got logged back in,,  our power blinked off for just a second..

just hope the light is not from an oncoming train..

2 eggs already today and some hens still sitting on the nests..  this is more like it.

it just started raining here.  naturally it started just when I was taking the battery out of Annie's car..



I am syphoning the last jug of wine.  in all, I racked 25 gallons of wine today.  20 blackberry  5 raspberry.

the sun is shining brightly. I should be outside, but I have this started and I intend to finish it.


I'm dieing to try your wine Jim! :) maybe it'd cure my cold. Lol
Hey everybody. 

I'm new to the game so I need some input/advice on feed.  I'm feeding a "mash" ground feed from my local elevator.  It hangs up in my pvc feeder because it packs so tight in the tube.  What are you feeding and why?  I am assuming that crumbles or pellets would flow much better.  Your experienced input is appreciated.

Thanks, Dave

Hi Dave where are you at and what kind of birds do you have? We have had good luck with crumbles some of our birds won't eat pellets so we haven't switch over because I don't want anyone starving to death. We do occasionally pick up the feeders to have the flock clean up any spilled feed. Which they do pretty well at anyway and they don't spill all that much. We may try switching to crumbles again but I worry about that a bit.

We have a mixed flock of EEs, orpingtons(American and English), silkies, CL, OEGB, Brahmas, a Delaware, silver laced wyandottes, some Marans, faverolles, and a few other breeds plus our project birds. With possibly more being added as I'm expecting a hatch in about 10 days and possibly more after that from a friend who ordered too many eggs.

We were missing two EE hens last night at coop lockup. No sign of them today. I think they're gone. They were the almost positive foundation hens of our project birds. :(
Chick Dream, You should have been here while I was racking those 5 batches. naturally I had to sample each one.. a person can get a slight buzz that way..
It is not cleared yet.. but it has some kick.
It won't cure a cold, but you might forget you have one.

I had GS Kalib hand a few pieces up to me on the high ladder. It saved me 7 trips up and down. that climbing is a killer..

put the new battery into Annie's car, still won't start. now it is either the starter, or the switch.. I am betting "switch"


Chick Dream,  You should have been here while I was racking those 5 batches.  naturally I had to sample each one..  a person can get a slight buzz that way..
It is not cleared yet..  but it has some kick.
It won't cure a cold,  but you might forget you have one.

I had GS Kalib hand a few pieces up to me on the high ladder.  It saved me 7 trips up and down.  that climbing is a killer..

put the new battery into Annie's car, still won't start.  now it is either the starter, or the switch..  I am betting "switch" 



Hey that's all I'm asking is to forget I have this cold lol :)
Hey everybody.

I'm new to the game so I need some input/advice on feed. I'm feeding a "mash" ground feed from my local elevator. It hangs up in my pvc feeder because it packs so tight in the tube. What are you feeding and why? I am assuming that crumbles or pellets would flow much better. Your experienced input is appreciated.

Thanks, Dave
Hi Dave! I used to use crumbles but the chickens ate it too fast & shoveled it out of the feeders too easily, causing much to get wasted. I switched to pellets and have very little waste now. A few of the girls didn't like the switch at first but they soon learned to eat it. They won't starve. If they are hungry, they will eat. HTH

So Jim, you bringing some of that wine to the bash??????
Sooo Robin, If there is any left, I just might do that..


Awesome! Just don't be lushes this winter, please.

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