Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Been busy at Camp like every Spring. Things go on hold here at home like always....being able to volunteer my time for the special place we share at Camp is something I love to do. Hope some of you can make the event and keep the bash going. Without support the Camp won't survive, it's non profit.....it's not a lot of money for the ability to rent Camp if everyone gives a little when they attend.... a mere donation given for staying in a full service kitchen with bunk rooms, free fire wood for the fire pit...showers, camping, facilities for camper hook-up...60 private acres..etc.....I hold the camp reservation time period every year. It's something special that we look forward to every year since we started.... it's the weekend after memorial week end.
Make it special Please.......we want to keep the great and special friendships that were made goingl:celebrate:yesss:

that is Annie's weekend to work. I just talked to her and she is going to try to switch weekends with somebody.
we would come just for Saturday, then.
That would be sweet to see you and Annie both...hope other loved ones can also show for the annual event that I haven't seen here in prolly more than a few years...eh!
Thanks to everyone, for the past support...would love to keep this going for more folks to enjoy. This year could end up being a special one.

That would be sweet to see you and Annie both...hope other loved ones can also show for the annual event that I haven't seen here in prolly more than a few years...eh!
Thanks to everyone, for the past support...would love to keep this going for more folks to enjoy. This year could end up being a special one.


look at it this way.
the fewer people there, the better my chances of winning the pizza cutter.
I still think it should go to the oldest person there..
Pup seems to be a little better on Saturday and Sunday. Pupils reacting to sunlight and shadow; and he can track the ball with his eyes as I move it left and right in front of him. He actually caught the ball in the air twice on Saturday morning for DH.
I have my fingers crossed that he is actually improving and not just our wishful thinking...
sounds hopeful for the pup. eyes can do strange things on their own..
too bad we don't have Dr Pol close by..

today I will concentrate on picking up a few things I have laid out outside for sorting.
sposed to rain tonight.
sorting tools like wrenches, screw drivers and pliers is easy. the one of a kind items have no category. can't waste a whole 5 gal pail or drawer on just one coping saw, or an ohm meter..
I have lots of peg boards on the walls. I think I will empty them and start over..
now I have to come up with a couple hundred peg board hooks..
today, if Annie wants to go to town, she can go alone. I have things to do.
We got baby oppossums at the rescue today. Mom got hit 6/9 are all alive. Thank goodness someone noticed that she had babies.
it is funny how people will shoot an animal, and then go way out of their way to rescue a litter..
possums give me the creeps. they always look so mangy ..

I wouldn't pet one, can't imagine eating one.


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