Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

It will only take one chicken to eat a worm and the rest will join right in....they are funny like that, but catch on fast when one makes a move.

in the past two days I spent a few hours on the new lawn mower. the grass is eye high to me as I am sitting on the mower seat.
I cut it high, and after the windrows dry, I lower the deck half way and cut again.
today I mowed most of the black walnut orchard. that was no picnic. fallen branches everywhere.
then I picked up a hemp rope that my nephew left behind two years ago. I sharpened a bone handled knife and cut it loose. I didn't want to remove the mower deck . I figured that if Roy Rogers can cut a rope behind his back with a piece of glass, the knife I had should work just as well..
did some reading and I now think I know how to mow in reverse. I will give it a try tomorrow..

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