Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I'm sure the animals don't notice.
Not much happening here. waiting for more pleasant weather to venture out to do anything.
I still can't walk long distances without a walker. So I quit using the walker and am gradually adding distance to my walks.
I have a notebook filling up with sketches and notes of several projects I want to build this summer.
good morning,
speakers for cell phones ?? what are those ?
I want to take a small drawer from the kitchen and turn it into a silverware drawer.
that would free up the large drawer that we are using, now.
then I want to make two wooden beer cases for my Grolsch beer bottles. I will make them to hold 20 bottles each. stackable, too.
there is talk about having a bash again this year . It could happen if we all can get vaccinated.. We got the shots on Monday .. April 4 we get the second shot.. Moderna..
today I am going to see how far down the driveway I can walk. I need to do a lot more walking.. for the first trip I will take the walker. It has a seat that I can rest on if I need to.
Is there any interest in the bash ??
Let's hear from you..

It is held in Tigerton/Clintonville area..
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We always hold our "chickenstock"/bash the weekend after Memorial weekend.
All are welcome. It runs from Friday through Sunday. come for all three days or any one or two days you can make it. Camp sites are available plus two bunk houses.
fire pit, byod. potluck . kitchen. lodge. showers. kid friendly.
white elephant. raffles..
very laid back and entertaining.
An Accoustic Amplifier for CellPhones - image taken from ETSY


It requires no electricity. Typically 3 or more layers of wood - the front layer has a large opening, and the back layer is solid rectangle and the inside layer(s) have a narrow channel from the bottom of the cellphone to the large opening to amplify the sound. The speaker for a cell phone is on the bottom of the phone. The center layers also form a slot to set the phone into.
There are many different styles out there.
We always hold our "chickenstock"/bash the weekend after Memorial weekend.
All are welcome. It runs from Friday through Sunday. come for all three days or any one or two days you can make it. Camp sites are available plus two bunk houses.
fire pit, byod. potluck . kitchen. lodge. showers. kid friendly.
white elephant. raffles..
very laid back and entertaining.
is that a private party that has the event?
well, I walked all the way to the mailbox and back without stopping to rest. my newest hip complained just a tiny bit.
I looked up the phone amplifier on you tube. I imagine the harder the wood, the better the acoustics would be.
I have some hickory that is harder than oak. maybe someday I will try making one.
Our bash is put on by the "cheeseheads" from wisconsin on BYC.
We have access to a nice campground.
There are hookups for electricity for campers. spots to pitch tents and a lodge with two bunkbed rooms.
We have had friends from Illinois come and friends from the UP, too.
This year we are requiring that people have their vaccinations ..

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