Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

One year I caught 12 mice in a plastic snap trap in the laundry room. Then, even though I saw mouse sign daily, I did not catch any more mice for the next 3 days. I washed out the trap really good with hot, soapy water and let it airdry outside in the sun. I reset the trap with peanut butter that night and caught a mouse with in an hour. After emptying the trap and resetting it, I had another mouse by morning. Total of 25 mice caught in the laundry room and 5 caught upstairs that fall.
That is a lot of mice to have in the house, and I couldn't figure out why so many were making their way into the house. We did find a basement window that had somehow become unlatched and opened about 1 1/2 inches and have since fixed that.

But, ever since then, I have made sure to wash the mousetraps after catching 5 or 6 mice, just to make sure the traps don't have any dead mouse smell building up.
One year I caught 12 mice in a plastic snap trap in the laundry room. Then, even though I saw mouse sign daily, I did not catch any more mice for the next 3 days. I washed out the trap really good with hot, soapy water and let it airdry outside in the sun. I reset the trap with peanut butter that night and caught a mouse with in an hour. After emptying the trap and resetting it, I had another mouse by morning. Total of 25 mice caught in the laundry room and 5 caught upstairs that fall.
That is a lot of mice to have in the house, and I couldn't figure out why so many were making their way into the house. We did find a basement window that had somehow become unlatched and opened about 1 1/2 inches and have since fixed that.

But, ever since then, I have made sure to wash the mousetraps after catching 5 or 6 mice, just to make sure the traps don't have any dead mouse smell building up.

I switched from peanut butter to cheese whiz and found it worked a lot better for me. We are in WI after all :)
I use peanut butter for everything. for the squirrels
I also use apple wedges in the live traps. after a while
the apple starts to rot and gives off a nice come check
me out smell.
when we rented a house in Minn. we had a mice
invasion when the weather turned cold. they were coming
through a hole in the wall where a gas line had been removed.
I didn't even bail the snap trap. just set it in front of the hole.
we caught a mouse every ten to fifteen minutes. I finally plugged
the hole.
I was drinking a cup of tea. when I noticed something in the
bottom of my mug. It looked like a bloated mouse. kind of
turned my stomach. I dumped the tea into the sink and that's
when I realized it was just the tea bag that I forgot to remove.
a few years after we moved here, a house burned
down near us that had lots of junk in the yard.
the rats moved up to our place. it was bad for
awhile. in two days they ate ten pounds of poison.
they were killing our chickens.
I don't see how people can have rats for pets.
we went to Lemon Grass for lunch. Had
Panang Kai. It was delicious. I saved enough
so I can have some more for supper.
they let us add our own pepper. I like it just
hot enough to make my nose run. lol
Never heard of Hy Vee. they just opened a
TSC store in Merrill. I was there a couple of times.
the clerks are nicer than Fleet Farm. More helpful.
today I hope to get some branches cleaned up from
the yard. can't beat this nice weather, eh ?
yesterday a big buck strolled along the edge of our
lawn. probably looking for our doe. she is hanging
around here with her two fawns from this spring.
caught squirrel number 15 . moved him far away from
the house. told him to stay away.
We have had a doe and buck running around town here since about June.
One year I caught 12 mice in a plastic snap trap in the laundry room. Then, even though I saw mouse sign daily, I did not catch any more mice for the next 3 days. I washed out the trap really good with hot, soapy water and let it airdry outside in the sun. I reset the trap with peanut butter that night and caught a mouse with in an hour. After emptying the trap and resetting it, I had another mouse by morning. Total of 25 mice caught in the laundry room and 5 caught upstairs that fall.
That is a lot of mice to have in the house, and I couldn't figure out why so many were making their way into the house. We did find a basement window that had somehow become unlatched and opened about 1 1/2 inches and have since fixed that.

But, ever since then, I have made sure to wash the mousetraps after catching 5 or 6 mice, just to make sure the traps don't have any dead mouse smell building up.
We catch about 6 mice every year. Last year it was 10 though.
I switched from peanut butter to cheese whiz and found it worked a lot better for me. We are in WI after all :)
Welcome to the thread! I dont know if i ever said welcome. We used a small cracker with a apple and a bit of peanut butter, it caught 10 mic last year. It was all old anyway.

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