Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hmmmm...never heard of this happening. I use vitamins and electrolytes with sugar water all the time. When the chicks first hatch or I get them from the PO. Anytime the birds are stressed. I've never lost one after having stopped the V&E's. I give the V&E's for about 3 to 5 days depending on how stressed the chicks are. I also change the water daily giving them a fresh batch of doctored water. I only give 1/8th of teaspoon per quart of the V&E's since I have one of those gazillion- birds -in -a- flock- per- package dose packets. I give about 1/4 teaspoon sugar per quart at the same time.
The only other thing I can think of is if you are feeding a crumble she might not be able to eat it well-you might want to make a mash. I use my blender and grind up the chick starter crumbles into a mash. The babies can eat that a lot easier. I prefere to feed a mash, even to the layers. I used to always feed my birds mash in Cali but here in WI mash seems to not exhist.

I'll send Little Biance good thoughts!!
Sounds like your dogs had a lot of fun! Could be worse, my dogs used to roll in horse poop, goat poop, and rotten avocados. Now they roll in bunny pee.
The joys of being a dog when nice stinky things are around to roll in!!!
that happens a lot on the forums on BYC.. something happens to somebody's chickens and they attribute it to something that did not cause it.. emotional reaction vs scientific research..

before you follow the recommendations, toss it in here first for debate.. or debunk..
two of my sisters just showed up to visit Mom,, so that frees me up to check my emails etc..

I washed out the hatcher this morning.. was it ever gross !!

It still has that lingering bad egg smell, but that will dissipitate in awhile.. I must have bumped the wafer while washing the top shelf.. It has not come back up to 99.5F yet.. I guess now would be a good time to reset everything..

the 2nd goose has laid another egg in her nest.. It is inside, in the corner of the chicken coop.. yaaaeeh !! less chance of a predator getting at her.. we have to keep taking the turkey and chicken eggs out of her nest..
Afternoon all,
Got the critters moved, I am moving the chicks today. They are almost old enough to go out to the barn, but with this weather, i am being cautious.
I am having to watch my niece again today, as the teachers are having an inservice today and tomorrow.
Well off to pack and clean.

Well I HAD a chick that was smaller!
found it flattened this a.m. hmmm they must have been too cold last night
stupid me figured I could turn the light off in the basement, guess not!
Sooooo with the crappy weather, can I put 6 week old chicks "outside"? (in a pen, all covered (with tarps), WITH a heat light?) they are TOO big for my basement brooder box! not to mention stinky!

sure now I'll get tempted with sheep and..... If Amyable needs me to pick up those chickens
I hope they're TOO expensive then I wont be able to buy any!

haven't told DH about this yet, his is gonna
now to figure on where I'll keep them... probably in the duck coop, dumb things don't use it anyway! lol wonder how old they are

later all! wish it would WARM up!
Raimnel, your chicks will be fine outside with supplemental heat.. I had 80 weeek old chicks under a brooder in just the lean-to when it was minus 20F.. Not that I would ever do that again.. I covered the whole brooder with 2 ft of loose hay..I slipped the food and water in , like in prison.. LOL
the point is, if they are warm enough, they will be fine..
Afternoon all...wont go as far as to say "good afternoon." Man I am tired of walking that dog in the rain! I think I have had two walks in three weeks that werent either rainy or windy (or both!) C'mon Mother Nature...it is TIME for spring weather! Everything is doing well here...the mamas outside lost a few of their chicks...I think they are not listening real well! I found two on the barn floor...perhaps wandered away and got cold? THe one in the coop is holding with her 12 and the ones on eggs dont have anything popping out yet.
GLad to hear you are almost moved Carol! I have always hated moving...I did see a nice place for sale near Deerfield today though...I cannot imagine how long it would take us to clean this place up enough to sell it! I cant even think about that!
I think I am going to put a ham in the oven for tonight...I am sooo tired I just feel like going to bed, but I have a 4H meeting to run tonight. I need about a month of doing absolutely NOTHING....maybe I could regain my energy then!
Well, better get to it...sign me "tired" Terri O
Afternoon all...wont go as far as to say "good afternoon." Man I am tired of walking that dog in the rain! I think I have had two walks in three weeks that werent either rainy or windy (or both!) C'mon Mother Nature...it is TIME for spring weather

LOL I actually love walking the dogs no matter what time of the year or weather. I do it around 4:00am and 4:30am it wakes me up, then when I get home at 3:30 - 4:30, it helps me unwind from a day at work. There was only one time this year when we got an ice storm and I fell down 3 times that I didn't want to go on the second walk. My two chows have to separetly because otherwise they get tangled since neither of them can walk in a straight line.

well I have sad news, I got home and checked on the chicks and poor Bianca had died. She wasn't trampled, she was just sort of sitting in a lump. Poor girl, she tried. I will miss her. I buried her outside of the run so she can always run free. Silly I know, but I couldn't just throw her away.

I hope the weather clears for this weekend, I have to get the run started. The other chicks have wing feathers and some look like they are growing tail feathers. I have 9 chicks left. Hopefully I will only have one or two roo's.

Have a good evening


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