Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good evening peeps...the kids are back up! Supposedly somebody got poked in the eye...wonder how that happened if they were "sleeping?" LOL!

Well if it has happened to someone I guess that she could have laid 2 eggs in one day....one real late and 1 real early. (or something) As long as I dont start getting 2 of each color from them...although, maybe I could enter them in The Guinness Book then? I remember pouring over the pages of that book looking for oddities when I was a kid....guess kids dont do that anymore.

I think that is a good price for the turkeys. I sold my 3 year old Royal Palm Tom for $35 last year. A pair for $40 sounds like a good deal....

Hey guss what? I figured out how to get my housework done.....

See? he's even doing a pretty good job on that floor! LOL! Then his sister wanted to come over and "help" Yeah...the situation deteriorated pretty quickly after that. I actually got paid today!
The entire amount AND on time! I am excited. Of course I have to take it right to the feed mill and pay my bill. Speaking of: I forgot to call my order in today 'cause I was at the airport; so I will be heading to F&F to get some feed to tide me over for the weekend. Maybe I can find some feed at the swap meet? Save me a trip anyhow. I am delivering a rooster by chicken train, looking for Mille Fleur for my friends' son and looking for a few button quail for myself. I dont know if I am looking for anything else until I see it! What I should be doing is taking those baby goats along, loading up some adult quail to sell and bringing all the duck and goose eggs along that I can find....oh well, that's not gonna happen!

Dh is home from Nebraska. He stopped at a wine tasting in Madison that one of his old work buddies was hosting. He said it was wasted on him as he doesnt know good wine from not so good wine. (me neither!)

Guess I will sign off and list some stuff on CL. I need to sell, sell, sell! LOL!
There are no children here tonight!!!

That means I am going to sleep until I wake up

Vicki- I think your birds are beautiful
babylady- sorry about your kitty

Got 10 eggs again today, but at least half of them are cracked from someone pecking at them. I have a feeling it is my Ameraucana. I'm going to separate her and see if it stops.
My poor little DD6 Sophia found out her chick Amelia is a rooster today. Cried her little eyes out because she knows it's destiny. She tried to be brave but it was no use. Such a honey...
Good night all!
not one of my best hatches, but ok. ended up with 11. 3 we're clear, 6 didn't hatch 3 got stuck and 1 fell out of the hatching tray and got stuck while I was at work. I could have done better and usually do when I don't have outside temp swings like I do during the winter months.

Well normally they only are just starting or thinking of starting to lay about now. I brought them I to lay earlier this year to see if I could put some fat on them this year. I love having the poults around, but might not do it so early next year.

I did a trade with a lady down in Alabama. She hatched out 11/16 but then she lost quite a few. I think she now has 4 left. Even down there the temp changes are just too drastic for poults. I hatched out 33/40 had all but eleven picked up the day after the last storm. Two somehow jumped out of their crate while I was gone and then died, so I still have 9, but need 12 to fill the order. I have 4 hatching right now in the bator and 5 under a broody turkey, so i'll be able to supply the turkeys grown out for a few weeks, but might not want to part with them.

Good thing I have more cooking in a bator, or I don't think I could. I've also got some Red bourbon eggs due me and a mixed bag of I think 10 in the bator. Don't know what they are as she has a bunch of different breeds all together. We will see what hatches.
i May have missed it, but are 4 year old turkeys too old? 1 pair of bourbon and one pair of blue slate for $40. is this a fair price?
Is that $40 for all of them ? or $40 a pair ? or what ?

No, 4 year old turkeys will lay eggs for awhile .. even if they lay for this year, next year you would have lots of new layers..

as far as how many years turkeys will lay eggs >?? idk/ TerriO will know.. I would like to know that myself ..
Vicki, it was you who wanted to know about the tractor tube, right? I noticed a few good responses..

If you do find a tractor tube,, try to get one with the threads on the outside of the stem, so that you can secure the stem in place.. sometimes the tube wants to slip inside the tire, and then you cannot reach the stem to add air if it should go low.. IDK if they even make them anymore,, but it is worth asking for..

If you have Pomp's or anybody come to the home to do the tire,, it might be worth a little $$$ more to have them put fluid in the tire too.. It adds a lot of traction and weight to the tractor..

I think Goodrich,, Goodyear and Firestone have mobile service trucks.. there are probably more that I can't think of right now..

JJ, you have a mean streak in you,, you,, you,, enabler !!!

It finally decided to start snowing just after dark.. coming down quite steady.. slippery driving home from town..

I had a fish fry for lunch,, then my sisters called and asked me if I wanted to go for a fish fry for supper.. No,, not really,, but I went anyhow.. had shrimp for supper.. I won't have to eat at all tomorrow..

gotta get up early so am going to get to bed real soon ..

as far as how many years turkeys will lay eggs >?? idk/ TerriO will know.. I would like to know that myself ..
Jim...I DONT know for sure! (
) I would like to say that I know but my turkey is 4 this year and hasnt laid any yet....it looks like she wants too though....does that count?

Kids have left the building! The Mom said the other night they didnt want to hit the hay until 2AM! Cripes, no kid should have to do the second shift thing! It is hard enough on adults...but having to wake them and then put them back to bed? No thanks!

We are overdrawn again...twice in a week! I didnt realize that I had a credit card set to "pay in full" and I put the taxes on that one...OOPS! So now I get to go back to the bank tomorrow and give them another equity check. Of course it is "all my fault." And "I need to get a JOB!" Not--"we need to spend less", or "the kids need to pay their way." Nope, just earn more $$$ so we can spend more....I give up!
(end of rant---and thanks!)

SO, I am hoping for a sunny day tomorrow...I think I need to go out and ride my horse. It has been a long time singe we have gone out...heck, maybe I will ride BOTH of them! That would be really nice...CC, when is your ETA? I would hate to be gone! I suppose you cant ride horses? That would be FUN!

I am having WINE! And I am going to have another glass too...I think my cold is gone (or nearly) glad that it didnt stick around too long. I hope all that have the gut wrenching sickness are feeling better soon. (How's that little guy of yours BigFam?) ANd I hope bjgoodman(?) you dont get sick! (I cant remember the actual name...I hope you know who you are!)
When I went out to get the kids in their Mom's car I smelled that skunk again....so glad dogs are already pottied and locked up! I sure dont want to deal with a skunked dog! (even IF my nose is still a little stuffy!)

SO nighties good people...BigZ, my parents were having FFF tonight too. Theirs was Cod from Sendicks dipped in a batter that Dad got off the internet (like Long John Silver's) It looked like ideal batter. If you need the recipe shoot me a PM. He said he sent it to me in an email.
Hi All!

Amy... If you make Camo Eggs.... how will you ever find them?

TO... I've had one lay twice in 24 too. I just figured she was a little "backed up".

Vicki.... I'm sure your girls are very happy with you! (Spoiled rotten little hens LOL) Good for you!


Smelled skunk in the turkey pen... all her eggs are gone and she doesn't want to come out of the chicken tractor part of the pen. GRRRR I can't reach her in there! I hope she's OK. The Tom with the 2 hens in the "coop" pen is not so bright. He has one hen he likes but not the other (I can tell by the mud on her) How ever, all she seems to get is a back message. He doesn't seem to "make contact" like he should. Just stands on her and moves his feet! BTW... flocksalot... they are Midget Whites. 3 hens, 2 Toms.

Not feeling great....Night All!
I'm hoping we're over that virus. Oldest son got hit again yesterday morning, but I gave him an anti squirts pill, and he went to school. There were 3 of us in the fam who didn't get it, and 4 who did. The new job and being sick is not a good combo so I'm very happy I was able to fend it off.

Speaking of work, I was trying to figure out how much gas it costs me to go to work. My suburban get 10 miles to the gallon. It's 56.2 miles round trip a day. Soooo that's 5.6 gallons a day. Now lets take 5.6 x. 5 days = 28 gallons x $3.59 = $100.52 (That seriously sucks!). We figured I was pretty much going to be working for the benefits and not have much take home pay. Boy were we right. But after so many years of not working, I want some fricking money of my own too!

I candled Easter Hatch eggs last night. Rather premature, I know. I'm not throwing anything out yet. I've got some growing, some not. If I set 62 eggs, and the average hatch rate for shipped eggs is 50%, I could be throwing out a lot of eggs. I sure hope it doesn't come to that. I've got a woman who wants to give me a deposit for 5 chicks. I hate to take deposits because you just never know how many will actually hatch out. I'm getting lots of email about the Ameracaunas and easter eggers. Starting out I had 18 total! So I better not count my chicks before they're hatched. ( but at least I have the eggs I'm advertising , right Jim

oh oh and I actually saw some of the chickens up by the house! They havent ventured more than 20 feet from the shed for months! So fun to see some pecking at the ground outside the window. Means spring IS coming, right?

hey CC, when are your lazy birds gonna start laying again? I've got debt collecting to do in the form of eggs you know.
T S,c  in appltn  got in some ducklings and several diff kind off chicks   if any one is interested.   they still think they have runner ducks, I  think they are confused!!!!!!!!!!!!         have great weekend  everyone,  nice to see all the new or renewed  posts,  night all


When I called there yesterday the lady said they only had Cornish and RIR? And the runner ducks...
Is that $40 for all of them ?  or $40 a pair ?  or what ?

No, 4 year old turkeys will lay eggs for awhile ..  even if they lay for this year,  next year you would have lots of new layers..  

as far as how many years turkeys will lay eggs >??  idk/  TerriO will know..  I would like to know that myself ..

$20 each pair. basically, the Tom's are 20 and the hens free. He said they were his sons project in high school and now he is in college and dad does not want to take care of them anymore.

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