Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Found the Wisconsinites! Yes!

So Jim are your guinea eggs fertile ? They must be laying in your coops. Mine aren't and I'm sure they aren't laying in the snowy woods yet. But then again I am a bit further up north.

Delish, I might take you up on those chicks. I just don't think I want to run my bators right now. They are programed for Roosters !!!

Plus with the chicks going to family with children I'd hate to see them stuck with roosters that they have to get rid of after the kids get attached.

Anyone know what is the best age to introduce baby keets to chicks? I think that is the best way to train the guineas to go in the coop.
How many do you need? I believe I have 4 pullets that are 4 weeks old..up to 6. Two I am not positive about. I have about 10 that hatch on Easter and those are just guesses. Just let me know if I should hold a few or not.
Hi everyone. I was wondering if you could help identify a few chicks I have. They were the extras sent by Cackle and I'm just curious what they are. From looking on their site I think they may be Cornish X but that seems like a weird breed to use as extras. Also if they are Cornish X, are they the ones who get huge fast and need to be butchered right away, and do they need different food?

Also I think this one is a Pheonix or Yokohama ? What do you think? Its tiny, its the smallest chick we have.
Those top ones are not Cornish..the legs are too tiny.
Sorry guys the Voice is on. Like that show. Make sure you close up your chickens. I saw a raccoon last night. Don't want him getting any of my babies I picked up.
Welcome to the thread..and good luck with the hatch!!
I have been following this thread for some time. It seems like alot of you know each other, so I will just introduce myself and say "hello" from the Kettle Moraine area.
Hello from Mt Pleasant area!!
yes, I had 3 of the 12 guinea eggs hatch.. about what I expected for the early eggs..

TerriO, in Fla, they string wire above the swimming pools and that keeps even the seagulls away..

the best time to put keets with chicks is when they are keets and chicks.. I keep mine together from hatchlings on..

today I framed up the second door.. No sun here, but it was not raining nor was it too cold..

I took Ollie back behind the garage and broke the roll of wire out of the ice.. I even got one panel cut to size for the door.. I think I am going to add a second cross brace,, just for looks..

as long as I had Ollie out for exercise, I did a few passes down the driveway with the back blade to level out the tire tracks.. I still have some more grading to do, but at least it is more driveable, now..

back to some more reading..
Evening all.......
Welcome to our our newbies...Colton, Kernel, and ? Excuse please I also have CRS like TerrriO, must come with age..........LOL, and don't be scared by what BL4 said the girls just wanna have fun is all they are relatively harmless............hehehe , but fun........... and this is the best group on the forum if ya want my opinion, lots of knowledgeable peeps here, always looking to enable chicken type people with more chickens hehe including myself, and some great yackers too this is a pretty busy thread. Join in and have fun and don't be too bashful when BigFam , FT, or CC stir everything up......

Anyway the fluffy yellow chicks look to be White rocks if ya ask me, I had several of them as packing peanuts, in my first order and 2 where actually pullets..... 5 Roosters.../.. so post anoter picture in a few weeks and I should be able to guess better........ the last one looks like a cross, or some breed I'm not familiar with......sorry no help on that one was I.....

Jim is my rooster causing you some trouble I see, was hoping our Sandhill order would be here so I can come up and visit and get him outa your hair, but no luck I guess I haven't yet heard a confirmation on shipment from CassieD.......... hopefully soon....... Miss you and Annie.... hows that pup doing? our Big ole boys are huge and starting to shed like mad............. man they get a coat of fur....... They were huffing in the warm sun yesterday.... drank twice as much water as usual..... and didn't eat all there supper the first time all winter.....

Well I set 21 eggs tonight........ from my big gals in pen 1 with Hansom, so will have some Dels, and some nice crosses for butchering agqin this year, I have my BSL, and BR, and BO i n there never hatched any BO/Del crosses before so thought I would try it. Next batch will be my EE's and a some SLW if I ever get to Jims to get my rooster.......... so will see how it goes from here, hope the fertility is good like last year, but its been a long winter and roo has some healing frost bite on his comb, lus he's been a busy boy all winter with all of the 30 plus hens......... maybe they wore him out LOL..... will see........ so thats about it for now gonna go play cribbage with ANN for a bit....... later peep......Kim
I was reading and the pages just about kept ahead of me.. I am caught up for now..

Annie ordered 100 Buff Orpington pullets today.. should be here in about 2 weeks.. I forgot where she said she ordered from ? startes withan "S".. and not Sunny Side.. Stromberg's !! yeah, that's it.. $245.oo worth..

I got a new photo card reader today.. the body of it is too fat to fit into my puter tower.. I need a cord.. have to tell the daughters about that,, they have all that sort of stuff..

allentown,, is that where you live close to Allentown ? back in 1961 I worked on a heavy construction crew that put in all new water and sewer lines for the town.. had a man killed on that job.. the town sits on quick sand.. our "trench" through the intersection by the tavern turned into a giant hole.. the whole intersection kept collapsing until even the footings on the tavern were exposed.. I dumped a large payloader bucketful of sand and rocks into the hole and it just disappeared..

Hello, and welcome, umm sorry not really good with areas...Where is the Kettle Moraine area again? Just to refresh my cheesehead..
Kettle Moraine, Fond du lac area...
Colton, you are fairly close to me. I am in Amery.
Also, I think I realized why I have been getting such bad hatches. When you have 3 incubators, a brooder, a 6 gallon fish tank and a washer and drier in a 6 x 10 room it tends to get hot . . . And my ducklings "stink" so my husband makes me keep the door closed. :( I need a bigger house.
hi newbies, more every day, sold some hatching eggs to a fellow from Superior today, he might be checking in as well

figured I would post to help JJ with his reading skills and to make sure Jim doesn't get caught up

the hatch is going well, 14 of 17 Chanteclers, 26 of 30 olive eggers, not so good on the Barred Rocks 1 of 7 that one just zipped maybe I'll be surprised in the morning,,,,,happy with this hatch already, the White Chanteclers were my main goal for a new breed this year,

I also watch the Voice, interesting talent again this season

bbp move that 6 gallon tank that should open up that room for you

gn folks
hi newbies, more every day, sold some hatching eggs to a fellow from Superior today, he might be checking in as well

figured I would post to help JJ with his reading skills and to make sure Jim doesn't get caught up

the hatch is going well, 14 of 17 Chanteclers, 26 of 30 olive eggers, not so good on the Barred Rocks 1 of 7 that one just zipped maybe I'll be surprised in the morning,,,,,happy with this hatch already, the White Chanteclers were my main goal for a new breed this year,

I also watch the Voice, interesting talent again this season

bbp move that 6 gallon tank that should open up that room for you

ulgn folks
Just kidding. Congratulations!!!!
Anyone have a suggestion for how to make a barrier inside the brooder. The weak little one is getting stronger and stronger, even standing up, but when I try to add it in with the little barred rock, he gets picked on. Right now he is in the incubator keeping warm,but I want to put more eggs in there. I bought another heat lamp for the ducklings today, and I have them on one side of the brooder,and the lone chick on the other side with its own lamp. i should add that the little BR is a fiesty little thing and I don't trust him to be alone with the other chick.
Welcome to all the new folks!!!

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