Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

My LG doesn't have a gap like that. I tried the whole brick under the bator to tip it instead of turning the eggs and it wouldn't hold temp. So I'm back to tipping the cartons inside. I need to be done hatching. I have way too many chicks and nobody buying. I sold 3 mixed breed pullets this morning for $2 each.
Hmmmm, I wonder why the bator wouldn't hold temp ?? could it be a leak at the seal ?

It does not have to be a 1/8" crack.. any leakage will cause what you experienced..

but this is just my opinion..

The chicks at school
One buckeye ish from Teri O
3 Wheaten Am/wheaten Am or black and blue Eye
1 OE / same as above.

The buckeye is so fluffy

and here is something I promised TeriO awhile ago

It is a cool horse sculpture near my house.

It is even cooler when you realize that it is made of horseshoes.
I wouldnt worry to much. My chicks are now 4 weeks old (23 of them) and have been outside without any heat for two weeks( coops not insulated either). The only two nights I put the lamp on was when it got down in the 30's. They've been just fine.
I just checked the heat lamp it is 100 towards the top of the coop, I probably should unplug it but it is their first night out.
Jim, it is up high, cooler on the floor, they seem indifferent. I shut it off and turned on the ceramic heater. It was 80 degrees in there, I misread the temperature. Looked at the wrong angled. The ceiling was hot, so I think it is safer without it. They have some feathers and about 6 inches of wood chips to make nests if they get cold, supposed to get down to 50 tonight, 30's later this week, Probably better to have it cooler than hotter in there, so they get used to the cold

any thoughts

The chicks at school One buckeye ish from Teri O 3 Wheaten Am/wheaten Am or black and blue Eye 1 OE / same as above. The buckeye is so fluffy and here is something I promised TeriO awhile ago It is a cool horse sculpture near my house. It is even cooler when you realize that it is made of horseshoes.
Is the OE the reddish one? Mine is gorgeous right now!
I checked the bators,, for about $100 more, you can get a brand new one..  the picture was not that good and no description of model .. ?   kind of a pig in a poke..  the extra trays are nice, but not that $$$ nice..  the water bucket is worth only $10 ..  $300 to $350 .. maybe $375 if they are the right model..

the dogs went at it again tonight,, this time for no reason..  I think Dora just doesn't like the pup's attention..   she is not quite in full heat, yet..  I was amazed that when I yelled at them to stop,, they did..    let me tell you , outside of a chick fight, there is nothing much more exciting than two 100 pound dogs rolling around on the kitchen floor,,


OMG that is for sure. hope no one is the worse for wear...........
My pit bull cross and my White Shepard went at it like 2 tom cats out to kill, many a time....... though both were female, and trying to decide who was the head Bi..itch around here, they soon found out that was me, after I held there arses to the floor, and actually bit my pit bulls ear.............. argggg they drove me nuts for 2 months till we got to the ear biting, they would not break it up my Shepard would try to stop but Tiggy would not, stubborn as a mule she was..... sent my Brandy for stitches twice........... hope seeing as how Dora is female and puppy is male, it won't go that far........its pretty scarey when they are out for out for blood, and you have to get in there...........

Hows that sassy rooster?
My Del tryed flogging me again tonight, we had a foot ball kicking contest he lost......... then I chased him down, held him down and hung huim up for a bit to just to make my point I embarrassed him too, carried him all around the yard for all the other critters and kids to see........ I was not happy, he didn't draw blood or hit me with his spurs, but I have a 2 year old, a 4 YO, and a %YO running around here most of the time, and I ain't putting up with that crap, he tries it again he will be this falls soup kettle fair......... arggggggggggg, why must they test ya? is it just a rooster thing, so many i have seen are nice but some are horrible, he started out nice, for 2 years he was my baby, I could do anything with him pick him up look for mites clean his wounds, ect.... now this is his 3rd spring and he has become quite the little brat lately..........

edited to add those turkey hens are bronze, or wild type, can't see her very good in the picture , but they most certainly are NOT bourbon reds, them hens look almost exactly like the tom in the picture, and my neighbor raises Bourbons
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Evening TO All...thanks for the kind words, it makes me blush!

We have a problem around here with the vehicles picking up horseshoe nails from all the amish that travel our local roads. Pomps in C-ville said that the numbers have really increased this year...for whatever reason...just thought of it cause of the statue. Just thought I'd mention it.

Reminds me of the adult wild turkey hens that were chest fighting in front of my blind last week. They would stretch their long necks and then slam each other, almost knocking each other over. It was quite impressive...forgot to mention Doc that I bagged a couple, 3rd and 4th week.
Hope you get the house just right, and are feelin nothing but the best soon....days are numbered and need to be enjoyed...everyday. Us retired folks are on the short end of the stick...I was feelin that way after the eye surgerys, when i was unable to do anything. I'm so blessed to be able to get er done again. A couple years later.

Nice pens Jim. I was thinking of another coop to, but I'm trying to keep it at two. My feed bill is comfortable now, and 20 to 30 minutes for chores is just about right. I need my time to do nothing. It just feels good to be lazy part of the day. For me anyway.

Nice pics again...thanks for sharing them...gotta love those pics.

Tiller guy is coming next week. The 8N is still dead by the shed. Neighbor said today that i need to get it fixed so I can skid all the tops from his woods to mine, cause they have more than they can get at....now that'sa reason to get er fired up again, if there ever was one...my pile is all but gone.

I need to someday get areal furnace to. I just have the wood boiler...someday maybe.

Have Fun, bigz

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