Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

RBerry - Hi back! {{{waves}}} R U coming to the bash?
PsycoP - unfortunately not going to be able to make the bash, I was planning on taking the Mustang convertible up for a day trip and a chance to meet everyone, but forgot about previously made plans. Next year I should be semi-retired and have more time
I'm a Young Living distributor too and plan to try the lemongrass/eucalyptus spray. I use so many oils which is why I signed up with the company, much better to buy at a discount. I did the same thing with J R Watkins since they have plant based cleaning supplies, the only things I can use and not have my hands turn red and itchy.
The monroe swap is every 3rd Sat. each month in the parking lot of the Equity Auction on Hwy 69 between Monroe and Orangeville.

It is low key. I have seen chickens , ducks,geese, guinies, kittens, puppies. Not alot of breeders though. Only a few selling pure breeds

It is a great place to sell unwanted chickens quickly. They become stew very quickly.

anyway that is why I told Jim he would be disappointed.

a Peacock is a male and peafowl could refer to any bird of the breed.
Great info on the Monroe swap. We noticed one of our Delawares (was a year old when we got her late last fall) wouldn't come out of the coop on Mothers Day, in fact stayed on the nest . . . we have a broody hen
so this afternoon we are getting a dozen fertilized eggs to set under her. Rod (hubby) built a special box for her and we will hang it just above the nesting boxes so she will be with her flock but they can't add to her clutch. Since we've never done this before and it is her first time, we're going to have the breeder set a clutch of eggs under one of her broody hens too. Soooo . . . I will have roosters and maybe even some hens to re-home, and if I don't find homes by word of mouth Monroe is close by.
Good morning! My chores are already (mostly) done! I can hardly believe it myself. The girls were making so much noise around 7 or so that I thought the fox might be back. I guess all this talk about guns and vermin brought that back to mind. Might have to go out a few mornings and sit invisabley in my chair!

Judge--I was also under the assumption that my custom made cabinets were solid wood--NOT! I even asked if they were wood and he said yes! They are, but it is wood fiber pressed and formed. THe insides are wood but this is the door part. Then they are dipped in the paint and heat sealed or something. The problem comes when the soating gets a chip in it (like cupboard doors will do) and then moisture gets in. THe insides swell and pop and then look horrible. I will go take a pic now....
THis is in front of the kitchen sink. Terrible! It doesnt help that the dog lays on this mat all the time with her dirtyness! The kitchen was redone in 1993.

This is the set of drawers to the right of the sink. When we had some $$$ I found a cabinet guy (not retired to Hawaii of all places!) and had some of the fronts remade-the worst ones. The top drawer is now solid wood and is the bottom on in this bank of drawers.

THe biggest problem with this stuff is that you cant paint it! I tried and it just got more fuzzy! I got some white tape from JJ that I am going to try on the worst places. Maybe that would help?
Hey Jim--just thought that you might have some insight on this...anything? I hate how terrible it looks and that kitchen remodel sure wasnst cheap!

Took another turkey out of the bator this morning. It is a different color, kind of like a chipmunk chick. The other one is pure yellow. When my betery charges I will take some pics of them. IT is so funny to see all those birds in one brooder! THe bobs are about the size of a quarter and then these giant turkey babies! Too funny.

Guess I will head off into cyberland...I thought of SO MANY things I needed to look at on here yesterday...it is very hard thinking that you cant get any information without leaving the house. Sure got used to that fast!

Looks to be a fantastic day...get out and enjoy it! TerriO

CS--if you dont have anything to donate to the raffle it is OK. We just started that this year so there would be "more stuff cuz when you want more you want MORE you want MORE!"
Can't sleep, clowns will eat me....
restless legs

Apyl... I will have to look into that! Aren't the LR's a bit longer? Or are they the same size as the shorts? The ones I have fit in the clip well. Aren't the shorts basically pistol loads? OK, tied.... must sleep SOME HOW!
Can't sleep, clowns will eat me....
restless legs

Apyl... I will have to look into that! Aren't the LR's a bit longer? Or are they the same size as the shorts? The ones I have fit in the clip well. Aren't the shorts basically pistol loads? OK, tied.... must sleep SOME HOW!

* Not my pic

Yes shorts are shorter. And usually used in revolvers and small pocket pistols. Your barrel is rifles for 22lr. Also there is a longer gap when chambering , it will lessen accuracy and build up a nasty ring of lead fouling that you will need a steel brush to clean out. With having auto loading you may need to manually load the shorts one at a time since the magazine is sized for longs. You may also need to manually eject them as well to get them out. So basically its a pain in the butt to use shorts, the rifle just isnt made for them, and it fouls the chamber up so you'll have to scrub it more. Also when in doubt follow manufactorers ammo requirement when it comes to guns. You don't need an accident happening.
Well, I woke up this beautiful morning, jumped out of bed, caught my foot in the sheets and face planted on the carpet. Hubby thought it was hilarious
, and I thought it was a sign to climb back in bed.

I think the ammo question is solved. 22shorts= pistols, 22lr=rifles. Never tried changing that around, because I wouldn't want to damage the gun.

BabyLady-I just made my first batch of soap last month and I LOVE it. I did 100% organic/vegan on this batch, shea butter+cocconut oil+olive oil. I didn't add any scents or colorants this time. I actually haven't had to use my pro-active on my face since I started using my own. Next time I want to try some natural color and scent. Any suggestions on where to order? Which soap ingredients are your favorite?

So, I do have this Facebook Page that you are all invited to join if you like, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Learning-Self-Sufficiency/127682734083134?ref=hl I make stuff and talk about chickens and gardening and other countrified activities.

Here is my personal if you feel like friending me https://www.facebook.com/lmiller11

Have a great day and try to stay on two feet!

Well, I woke up this beautiful morning, jumped out of bed, caught my foot in the sheets and face planted on the carpet. Hubby thought it was hilarious
, and I thought it was a sign to climb back in bed.

I think the ammo question is solved. 22shorts= pistols, 22lr=rifles. Never tried changing that around, because I wouldn't want to damage the gun.

BabyLady-I just made my first batch of soap last month and I LOVE it. I did 100% organic/vegan on this batch, shea butter+cocconut oil+olive oil. I didn't add any scents or colorants this time. I actually haven't had to use my pro-active on my face since I started using my own. Next time I want to try some natural color and scent. Any suggestions on where to order? Which soap ingredients are your favorite?

So, I do have this Facebook Page that you are all invited to join if you like, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Learning-Self-Sufficiency/127682734083134?ref=hl I make stuff and talk about chickens and gardening and other countrified activities.

Here is my personal if you feel like friending me https://www.facebook.com/lmiller11

Have a great day and try to stay on two feet!

There are some rifles that are set up to use both short and long, we have an old rifle from Sear's ( I think its a Ranger) that is set up to use both 22's. But none of our Remingtons or Savages do, they are 22lr only.
LM, I make cold process soap and I use the recipes found in the Natural Soap Book I and II. I use only natural colorants and essential oils, and I prefer to make my soaps with goat milk vs distilled water. Buying supplies can be interesting, especially the caustic. I have been ordering from Texas Natural Supply, but since I am considering increasing my production I will need to find an alternate source. I have only been able to find palm oil online, you may have a store that has it available but it is highly unlikely.... and the only alternative oil with the same SAP values is lard ( not nice for the skin)....

I better get back to work here.... :)
LM, I make cold process soap and I use the recipes found in the Natural Soap Book I and II. I use only natural colorants and essential oils, and I prefer to make my soaps with goat milk vs distilled water. Buying supplies can be interesting, especially the caustic. I have been ordering from Texas Natural Supply, but since I am considering increasing my production I will need to find an alternate source. I have only been able to find palm oil online, you may have a store that has it available but it is highly unlikely.... and the only alternative oil with the same SAP values is lard ( not nice for the skin)....

I better get back to work here....
Ok. I do plan on doing some with suet, but thats more for just accomplishing the rendering process. Although, beef fat does make good body soap.


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