Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Long day today!!!!

Went in to work and found out they were only working until 9! I was going to be stuck in Oshkosh all day so I putzed around at work as long as I possibly could, then I went over to the Paine to check out the arts and garden show. It was very interesting, but nothing there really caught my eye. I was happy I had grabbed my Salatin book that morning, I took it with me to lunch and had a nice hour reading the wisdom of Joel.... trekked over to Steins after lunch, then Fleet Farm.....

So the reason for me staying in town? Girls night out with my co-workers! We went bowling and then to a little wine bistro..... it was so much fun we decided to do it again, but next time we are going roller skating.......

I think I need to get walking again.... I need to burn off the DF cheese curds I had today.....

Trying to stay awake is super difficult right now..... I will bid you all adieu.
Free fertile pheasant eggs in Oregon:

Reply [email protected] [?]
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Posted: 2013-05-18, 8:38PM CDT

fertile pheasant eggs (oregon)

all my incubators are full but the hens keep laying. anybody want fertile pheasant eggs to hatch out. any broody bird can hatch them or put them in an incubator for 24 days. emailme if you are interested.
  • Location: oregon
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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Long day today!!!!

Went in to work and found out they were only working until 9! I was going to be stuck in Oshkosh all day so I putzed around at work as long as I possibly could, then I went over to the Paine to check out the arts and garden show. It was very interesting, but nothing there really caught my eye. I was happy I had grabbed my Salatin book that morning, I took it with me to lunch and had a nice hour reading the wisdom of Joel.... trekked over to Steins after lunch, then Fleet Farm.....

So the reason for me staying in town? Girls night out with my co-workers! We went bowling and then to a little wine bistro..... it was so much fun we decided to do it again, but next time we are going roller skating.......

I think I need to get walking again.... I need to burn off the DF cheese curds I had today.....

Trying to stay awake is super difficult right now..... I will bid you all adieu.

Does the Paine have the Chihuly glass exhibit yet? I'd LOVE to see that!!
Hi All!
Sure looks like it was a slow day on here.... busy people outside I guess.

TO... How many chicks to a cup? Are teaching them to tell time too? I guess it's good to teach the roosters. LOL Videos didn't come through for me

Dan... wow sorry about your hen! That's just the reason I wanted that .22! We hear them quite close and people have spotted fox in our yard too!

Angie.. Glad your going to make it to the bash!

Psyco... Cool score on all the birds and cats! Ummm where are you going to put them? Better get that coop done!

BigZ.... Sorry about your cockeral !

BBP....Awww.... sorry about your hen.

I finally have sharp knives!
LOL.... OK maybe I'm over excited, but I haven't had a good sharp knife in years! I even bought an $70 knife sharpener a few years ago and it seemed it took forever to get a so-so edge. Well, Young son clamped down the grinder to the deck rail and I sharpened every knife I own! The wheel grit was courser than I would have liked, but the knives were so dull it was probably just as well. I used the expensive sharpener to take the burr off and they're good to go now!

Birds all seem to be good..... Night ALL!
Irish, I want to see than one as well. That exhibit runs until October so you have plenty of time to get there.

No winning numbers here.... dang.....

Finally ironed out the reservations for the RV.....
starting to get excited!!!! I cannot believe how quickly time is passing by! Has anyone ever purchased an America the Beautiful pass? I was wondering if it is worth it....... since I have some camping pros on here, is there anything you can suggest that we take with us? The RV does not come furnished with any linens or cooking supplies.

Headed out to New Holstein this morning on a field trip. There is a fiber event t=going on out there and I would love to watch a live demo of sheep shearing.....

Time to get the kids motivated......
GM Is there a list going somewhere of chicks / chickens people have available for the bash? i just want to window shop lol
Bbp...sorry about the hen! which one was it?

cind...lol on the knives

bigzio..when it comes to chickens we always want "infinty times infinity"

mel. sounds like a great girls night out! sounds like a great time

Here's a picture of my girls, Jack and Lola. Their tail feathers are coming in! We are going to buy the rest of the materials for the coop today after we go see Star Trek.
Good morning! Getting humid outside already. I was drinking coffee and playing with the dogs and I was starting to sweat...
DH is going to till the garden today and just went to F&F to buy stuff...I guess he is doing oil changes on the trucks. They have an ag sale so he was quizzing me on what I needed...NOTHING! Well, maybe a couple of salt blocks and a bag of corn....then he decided to get gates for the front of the pasture. I think I better start the tiller up...

Sorry to hear about the losses...it always seems to be the season for them. I have had birds in the tank before and they always die like that. They soak in so much water through their skin that they drown. It is always so sad! I have taken to putting a piece of hardware cloth over the edge of the tanks and down into the water. Then they can get a grip on the wire and climb out. It seems to have helped!

Countdown for the bash....I am making a list. I will never remember all the stuff I need to bring otherwise.
Better get moving--lots to do today! TerriO
i am confused over the chickens a.d water...there is a lady on byc who takes her chickens in the pool with the kids...has pics...? yet others have chickens who drown...is it something they have to learn? im missing something

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