Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

JJ, not too many deer have been hit by me yet so rut must be just starting. That is how I can tell when rut starts anyway......

H&R, all I can say is I am glad BYC now allows you to block people....... makes the visit here more pleasant.

Last day of work yesterday. I am looking forward to no longer having all of that stress....
so how does blocking work- do you just not see that person's posts?
I have to say I completely agree with lisa on this one. Terri's birds have done amazing at the fairs.While I realise the fairs are not as big a deal as the international, it still says something.
I have been feeling very badly vicki that they were sick. I am glad you were able to bring them around. But I am sure you have done tons of studying on cocci. And realise it could have come from anywhere. But every time I read something from you, I feel you were blami g terri.
I chose to let it go, because I thought it should be between you two.

But then I moved to the aussie thread. I can understand your dissatisfaction in your two new birds. But here on the cheesehead thread, I feel we are friends. Not just breeder and buyer. Those things about teri are hurtful and flat out rude.
Things lime that should not have been said. Talk directly to terri if you have an issue.

Also, terri; you know how I feel about culling. But the reason I have not offered to help with a train is they have been seemingly sick since shortly after their arrival up north. I do not want to subject my birds to that possibility. I beleive you should consider this before taking them back out of guilt.
Vickiw, I think your asking TO to take back chickens that have been very Ill is a lot to ask, honestly. She has a lot of birds at risk and many illnesses that chickens have seem to be gone, but they remain carriers for life. I think you need to just cull if you don't want to keep them.

I read the Aussie thread and I thought you were very mean there to TO. You didn't mention her name, but anyone who cared to look at your other posts could easily see who you are talking about. Please try not to slam people like that. I thought we were all trying to be friends here for the most part and we want to help you, but your post on that thread was not nice.

I tend to say what I think, especially after a few beers, so go back and look at what you posted and then think about how something like that can hurt someone's business or even just hurt then badly personally. Ouch...I am hurt for TO right now. I think you owe her an apology.

I appreciate your input Lisa, however, I wasn't "asking" Terri to take back the birds, I was taking her up on her very generous offer made to me when I bought them that if they turned out to be roos she would take them back. Believe me, I totally understand about the sick birds. Honesty is not slamming, by the way and my intent was never to be "mean". I do understand askiing her to take back sick birds might seem unfair if they had not been sick when I bought them. I have already apologized once to Terri and shall do it again here" I am sorry Terri for anything I said that was not true about anything and you already know I never intended to hurt your business".
I could get mean here, Lisa, but I will not. I do not ever do that, at least not intentionally. Once more I apologize to any who find anything I have said insensitive or untrue. BTW much was done privately.

Since this will be my last post here, I am going to be honest. I was very hurt and disappointed. Not knowing the breed, I trusted that Terri knew much more than I (very unfair of me since I did not even know her). I have come to understand since that unless you have been trained to sex chicks, it can be very difficult, even with Aussies. I just never dreamed I would get birds loaded with disease and worms. I did NOT however, think that Terri ever did this on purpose (Yes, Cuties, I know cocci can come from anywhere). and I may have allowed those feelings to taint my postings. Stupid, and very immature, and VERY unchristian. For this I am very embarrassed and very sorry. For what it's worth, correction could have been done in private too, just sayin

Ok, now, anyone else that wants to jump on and attack me, go ahead. like earlier that drove so many from this thread. Now I get it. One last bit. Both birds are now healthy, at least as far as I know. I would ask if the one can now be a carrier of that nasty cocci strain, but instead I better go find that out before I pass these birds on to anyone. Honestly didn't think of that until just this minute. whew!!!

Hope you all have a very safe and warm winter. God Bless.

ETA ~ thank you for your understanding and coming to my defense BBP, I guess I really did think I was among friends and allowed to vent. Guess I just hadn't been on here long enough to be allowed to be part of the "in crowd", oops. Oh, and you were very right, I realize it was very unfair of me to have Terri take those birds back. I guess I was just trying to get out of killing them myself. I'm a coward, I know. Just the "thou shalt not shed innocent blood" and we given care over all living things, keeps echoing in my head. But, again, you are right, it is my problem. I need to put on my big girl boots.
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Brr..cold out again this morning..I did a mad dash to let them all out..I need to get some cloths on to feed them in a little bit..PJS was not a good decision this morning..BRRRRRR

I broke down and turned on the heat..I need to thaw out a bit before I get my hinny back out.
Joe just called and wants to delay coming home..that means delay getting my bird from Terri..she has a busy day today. GRRRR.
I do not mind him delaying coming home..just getting my bird..lol

My prayers go out to Robert Blosl and his family

The poultry world lost a great advocate.
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Terri has nothing to feel guilty about.. she sold healthy birds and they got sick after they got to their new home..

when they were so sick, they should have been culled.. nobody forced anybody to stick hundreds of dollars into a chicken.. and that expense cannot be blamed on anybody..

roosters are the minor curse of byc'ers.. but they are also the responsibility of each and every one who has chickens.. there is a surplus of roosters,, nobody wants them, or in many cases cannot have them,, so, think ahead.. how are you going to get rid of your extras ?? nobody wants/needs more roosters, especially cross breeds and mutts.,

anybody can obtain as many roosters for cheap,, or free at just about any time, so how do some people think they are going to sell or give theirs away,, especially with the stipulation that the person willing to take them will not butcher them..

In Terry's case, I would not take those roosters back.. Vicki should cull them,, and I am sure Terri would hold up her end of the bargain and give Vicki two hens..

I am sure that Terri did not pick out two sick chicks from her flock and stick Vicki with them,, I, and others have explained the problem of healthy chickens coming into a healthy flock with their own immunity to whatever strain of illness that they are carriers of,, and visa versa..

it has happened to most of us.. sure you want to blame the new chickens.. but you have to bite the bullet and admit that your chickens could have been the carriers.. and it does not take a long time for the symptons to show up.

I know there are people who do not like me, or agree with anything I say.. but I don't care.. I had my say, and I held back the best I could..

now I will go back to lurking..

Jim what exciting things have you been up to? Still have your peafowl? Our guy lost his train several weeks back and we never did end up getting any pea eggs to hatch
Maybe some more will stop back through now that it is starting to turn cold. Pulled the squash and pumpkins out the other day... ended up with 26 pumpkins, of course the kids(including DH) are trying to come up with cool ideas for pumpkin carving/painting.

Took the kids to the local pumpkin/corn maze/haunted forest last night and went through the corn maze with flashlights, families from DS(11)'s soccer decided to go, took us about 1 hour or so to get through....made a few wrong turns but finally made it out. Of course DS(8) was getting tired and when we headed to go into the bakery shop a character from their haunted forest was walking in the crowd and scared the dickens out of DS(9) and sent him into tears, he clung so tight to me, I could hardly move. DH and I figured he wouldn't go to bed by himself last night but he did!

For those who have made kraut before- can you give me any guidance- trying a very small batch this year but not sure what we should be watching for........

had an early soccer game today and DD plays 3 games tomorrow.....brrrrr.......

stay warm!
H&R, the instructions in the Ball canning book are good. Just watch for molds. I keep all my kraut weighted down with a FG bag of brine, so none of it is exposed to air and then I do not have an issue with mold. Since my house is rather cool, I let it 'cook' for 5-6 weeks. If you want is done faster, put the crock someplace warmer. My recipe is 5 lbs grated cabbage to 3 T canning salt. If you do not get enough juice off the sweated cabbage then you make up a brine solution of 1 1/2 T canning salt to 1 qt water. Mix up, press down, weigh down, cover crock, and let it do it's thing.
H&R, the instructions in the Ball canning book are good. Just watch for molds. I keep all my kraut weighted down with a FG bag of brine, so none of it is exposed to air and then I do not have an issue with mold. Since my house is rather cool, I let it 'cook' for 5-6 weeks. If you want is done faster, put the crock someplace warmer. My recipe is 5 lbs grated cabbage to 3 T canning salt. If you do not get enough juice off the sweated cabbage then you make up a brine solution of 1 1/2 T canning salt to 1 qt water. Mix up, press down, weigh down, cover crock, and let it do it's thing.
okay the ball book is what I am following but it only talks about covering the cabbage with brine, what is a FG bag? if you do end up having mold can you just remove that part and continue- don't see any currently on the cabbage. Do you see bubbles at all? We keep our house cool as well so I guess it might take longer.
Nice to see a couple of you that were missed here! No need to lurk Jim, I missed you!

We used a 5gal pail for a crock and lined it with a plastic bag. Made sure the juices from the kraut were covering the kraut....tied the bag real good, so water couldn't get in and sealed the kraut by pouring 4" of water on top of the bag, and a couple nice rocks on top to keep it submerged....hope that made sense H&R. It should be ready about Nov 1st or longer, if we don't have time to process at that moment, it will be whenever.

How's that hubbard doing TO? My buttercup squash is ok...prolly only 20 squash or so to harvest...dang squash vine borer killed half the plants....time to rotate that crop, I guess.


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