Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I'm not very familiar with that model. However if the parking light is going off when you release the brake then that isn't the problem. It almost seems like you aren't getting the full amount of pressure out of the pump. Have you changed the filter? 
That was the next thing on my list to eliminate as a few times before this happened the filter light would blink on then off.
One jeep has a broken rod. I purchased another, and kept the first around for spare parts. But now it sounded just like the first and took a dump. So, I think it is the same issue.
If they are in decent shape I would try to sell them on craigslist either as a set or part by part. You might get someone who will pay for them just to scrap them out too...
If they are in decent shape I would try to sell them on craigslist either as a set or part by part. You might get someone who will pay for them just to scrap them out too...

That is what I can't decide. I f I want to scrap them, or get a rebuilt for one. Ihaving an suv is crucial to our hobbies ;) and I can not afford to get yet another junker. I thought I found a real good deal on the second one. And broght a mechanic friend along to check it out. Just bad luck. But now I can't make up my mind!
That is what I can't decide. I f I want to scrap them, or get a rebuilt for one. Ihaving an suv is crucial to our hobbies
and I can not afford to get yet another junker. I thought I found a real good deal on the second one. And broght a mechanic friend along to check it out. Just bad luck. But now I can't make up my mind!
What year and motor is in it?
good afternoon,,
what a couple of days we are having around here.. just a couple on miles down the road, two people were shot.. then today I sold my Farmall A.. the birds are laying eggs all over the place..
I have about 40 guinea eggs to set and more than that in chicken eggs..

that table and 2 chairs I put on craigs list for $175.oo .. I will give you a better price than that.

I bled out the cylinder a little more today.. I didn't start the tractor to see if it made any difference.
I am beginning to think there is something wrong inside that cylinder.. might need new O rings ?

I am not going to do anything drastic with it for right now.. It is working good enough to finally get the coops cleaned out..

I was at the VA giving blood when Annie called and said this guy wanted to come look at the tractor. I hurried home and he was there already.. anyway, he bought it ..
He will be coming back in a little while with a trailer to pick it up..

I had to fast to give blood, so I just now finished up my breakfast and lunch combo meal.. I had the last piece of apple pie with a generous scoop of ice cream ..

cooties, do like my friend told me to do.. remove the radiator cap.. then pull the jeep out from under it.. then put a new jeep under the old cap and screw the cap on tightly ..

I should put my old Blazer on C L for parts.. It has a whole new front suspension and an almost new engine.. I want to take the tires off,, I hope the rims fit on the new (to me) blazer..

I think I need a nap..

Afternoon All..welcome to the cheesheads raizing....the annual bash is closing in and you are welcome to attend...we are busy folks here, and maybe someone can help you out.

Gotta be sad maybe seeing the farmall leave...

I hate getting rid of good stuff..but I also understand. I'm due for moving good stuff too.

Went to the Amish greenhouse.....beautiful stuff....I have all my maters, peppers. broccoli, kohlrabi, cabbage, peppers and all the flowers for the barrels and the baskets...under $25.....I can't buy the potting soil for that....sweet deal again. It is the finest quality. I saved myself a ton of work and effort.


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