Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey Everyone
been months since I was last one here
, life has been super busy to say the least!

DD broke her ankle back in April while playing softball and so she is still healing from that- 8 weeks in a cast-3 weeks in a walking boot and now in a brace and starting PT....of course it isn't healing fast enough for her as Volleyball starts mid-August....

Our goats are doing great- we have increased our herd size since all 3 of our does have kidded now. Our 1st doe had a buckling in Feb.(now a wether)

our 2nd doe had triplets in April(2 doelings and 1 buckling)- the 2 doelings went to fair this past week and DD and DS(10) showed them- did pretty well for 1st time ever showing goats. Of course DS(10) beat out DD.

Our 3rd doe kidded 4 weeks ago and had 6 kids- which is not normal for goats- 4 bucklings and 2 doelings(2 doelings and the smallest buckling are bottle kids, 1 buckling was laid on by the doe and 2 bucklings are with her). Here is a picture of them just hours old:

DD and DS(10) showed rabbits as well- 4 Californian and 6 French Angora- they did well. DD won Best Commercial Breed with her sr. Cal. doe and has the traveling trophy for the next year!

Enjoy the day!
"I believe humans have been artificially incubating eggs at least since Egyptian times, if I'm not mistaken."

CC you could ask Jim about this, pretty sure he was around back then
Aww Jim, stand tall, I have been told I crossed the Jordan with Moses.
WE had a friend who described his neighbor as "a year older than Jesus". Was that blasphemy?

He was telling us how Arnie broke his arm when he fell off a ladder picking apples in his front yard. FYI, Arnie was 83 years old.
WE had a friend who described his neighbor as "a year older than Jesus". Was that blasphemy?

He was telling us how Arnie broke his arm when he fell off a ladder picking apples in his front yard. FYI, Arnie was 83 years old.
Nope not blasphemy....I have a picture in my house showing Jesus playing horseshoes with a couple of old men.....makes me smile everytime I see it.
Afternoon all, been awhile, nice to smile when reading all the comments.
Life is uncomplicated for us these days.
Glad your kids did so well at the fair cuties and my could have used your "husky" advise" 40 years ago. The guy would run the dog daily maybe 2-3 miles return home and go in the house to get him some nice cool water. He'd come out and darned if the dog didn;t take off to chase the farmers cows or some female in heat. Lots of people love dogs but like having kids they are a responsibility that knows no bounds, you never know what you are getting into when you get one

We have neighbors who leave their dogs outside on the weekends when then are gone and they bark every 5 minutes or so for the entire time they are gone... which can be all day...We arent so sure if this happens during the week days because we are at work, but when Gary retires and it happens then too, they will be getting a knock on the door....

Hope everyone has a super day... Gotta get out and pick those darned beans!
Do your pullets stay active Jim?

Last time I had pullets it was very difficult to get them to work at all for their food.

The cockerels I have always been able to keep very active. I'm sure mine do not put the #'s on like they are supposed to...
the pullets do lie around a bit, but I don't feed them right away in the morning, so they do go hunting for their seeds, grass and bugs.. their water is 75 feet away from where we feed them..
they have 5 acres to roam around on.. most of it is alfalfa, but they don't go into that field very often..
I'm curious about something completely unrelated to previous conversations. Forgive me, but I need to ask, and some of you might know. Two weeks ago I went shopping in Amish country (bakery, plants, etc.). We stopped at a few farms, and two had visible chicken coops. No runs. I asked how many chickens were in each coop, and one had 80, the other 300. They were layers, of course, but I didn't see any birds outside. The coops seemed rather small (almost commercial) for the amount of chickens. My question is this: I thought Amish had a genuine respect for their livestock. What I witnessed seemed almost cruel. Your thoughts?

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