Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Great win last night for the Pack! I thought the talent looked really good from the tight ends. I'm not real sure about eddie lazy yet....time will tell. I watched the whole game and then off to bed right after. I'm usually to bed way before I made it last night. Yep X2 on a great hatch Jim. They should be feathered out just in time for the cold weather that is coming in a couple months. Light rain here as I type this.

Great win last night for the Pack! I thought the talent looked really good from the tight ends. I'm not real sure about eddie lazy yet....time will tell. I watched the whole game and then off to bed right after. I'm usually to bed way before I made it last night. Yep X2 on a great hatch Jim. They should be feathered out just in time for the cold weather that is coming in a couple months. Light rain here as I type this.


Packers played last night? Boooo! :D
good saturday after another packer win,
Ho Hum, this is getting so boring..

I transferred 26 chicks to the chicken coop.
the pip in the bator was dead, but there was a different one that hatched. so my final to date tally is 27 .

Had to make an emergency run to the feed mill for chick starter. was going to buy ground oats and corn, but the mill was closed and the retail store was out of it..

can't call it rain, but it is 100% humidity out there today.

as soon as the kitchen is cleared of people, I am going to strain raspberry juice and add sugar and yeast to the juice. I am anticipating a real good wine from this batch...

I haven't made raspberry wine for many many years.
I don't give any of that away except to guests who come here for a sip or two..

good saturday after another packer win,
Ho Hum, this is getting so boring..

I transferred 26 chicks to the chicken coop.  
the pip in the bator was dead, but there was a different one that hatched.  so my final to date tally is 27 .

Had to make an emergency run to the feed mill for chick starter.  was going to buy ground oats and corn, but the mill was closed and the retail store was out of it..

can't call it rain, but it is 100% humidity out there today.

as soon as the kitchen is cleared of people, I am going to strain raspberry juice and add sugar and yeast to the juice. I am anticipating a real good wine from this batch...

I haven't made raspberry wine for many many years.
I don't give any of that away except to guests who come here for a sip or two..

Maybe you could share your recipe and how to?!
Hi All:

Not on here for a while, been under the weather. Had been in the hospital for 4 days around the 6th of the month. And then 2 weeks later, back to the hospital for a hernia repair. Didn't know I had one. Now, I get to sit home for 6-8 weeks doing absolutely nothing except drink coffee. Coffee cup is the total weight I can pick up. We are getting 15 eggs a day from the girls, someone should have told me not to get so many chickens. Son went out and picked a bunch of tomatoes, hot peppers, bell peppers and cukes today. I will be supervising canning of salsa and such. A friend is getting us some corn and we will be busy with that......well, the rest of the people in the house will....I'll just drink coffee.
Yep, the rain was light and gave up to a cloudy day good for garden work. I forgot to give you a good luck on the salsa cw....we are done at 88 pints canned and sealed. We use it so many ways in different stuff. I grind fresh cayenne peppers for a perfect bite and special flavor.

Yep, the rain was light and gave up to a cloudy day good for garden work. I forgot to give you a good luck on the salsa cw....we are done at 88 pints canned and sealed. We use it so many ways in different stuff. I grind fresh cayenne peppers for a perfect bite and special flavor.


I love hot salsa. I usually go the habanero route. I've got 4 gallons to can yet. Got the spaghetti sauce all canned tho. Boy spaghetti sauce is a lot of work! Taking out all the water and seeds is a royal pain in the arse. 88 pints is a pile of salsa holy smokes.
wine is easy to make. and you can save money over buying wine.

we juice 20 pounds of fruit.
remove the pulp.
add 15 pounds of sugar
add a packet of wine yeast
put into a 5 gallon fermenting jar > called a carbouy
plug the hole with an air lock and wait..
wait several weeks until all the sugar is used up

that is the simplified recipe.

stop by for a sample glass and more details.

I just finished getting a 5 gallon jug all sugared up and yeast added.
It is working like mad already..




I hear you on the spaghetti sauce being work. I think our count this year was 58 quarts. If anyone needs fresh hot peppers for salsa I have 5 varieties, multiple bushes of each and ALL of them are loaded. Between yesterday and today I have harvested 89 large shiitake mushrooms and there are plenty more on the logs plus more just starting. They love the fall!

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